New to me
Hello everyone,
I hope your all doing well. This is a new journey for me. In 2008, I opted for the Lap-Band procedure. At first, it was very helpful and beneficial. I was well on my way when I experienced great difficulty when Antibiotic halted my progress. Because of inflammation and not being able to keep food down I had the band completely released (not removed) in 2015. Since, I've been struggling greatly. I have gained all my weight and then some. I've very sad and very upset with the fact I know I'm responsible. I do own it but feel completely ashamed that I've allowed myself to get out of control. I feel mad at myself. To move forward, I'm reaching out of my comfort zone, inviting others to be a part of the process, the journey, and deal with all the aspects of my weight, health choices, emotions, and my physical limitations. I'm looking to lose the weight and be proud again.
To get started, I have a band, however, there is NO fill, I welcome any uplifting, motivational words of wisdom, comments, to jump start me.
Thanks to everyone and look forward to getting to know more people.
So your band is not filled and you are unable to get it filled still? :( Sorry to hear that!
Please be kind to yourself -- the band is probably doing little to nothing for you at this point, so it's almost like not being banded at all -- you are facing the same challenges of hunger and trying to diet your way down.
While it is possible for that to happen, it's a tough road.
Have you considered a revision? I had my band recently removed, and switched to RNY so I can get my weight and my health issues back under control. Insurance wouldn't cover, so I went self-pay, but if it helps my health and weight in the long run then it's worth it.
Either way, the what's on your menu today threads are a good source of inspiration, at least I've found them to be. Best wishes on your journey!!

Band removal & RNY Feb 1 2017
Be proud now for having decided to take charge again. The words you've used -- sad, upset, mad, ashamed -- serve one purpose only: They send a person directly to the refrigerator without passing "Go." Moving beyond the comfort zone will do far more toward getting you to a good place. Good for that.
Is it time for a band adjustment?
Absolutely, However, I am worried about my band. I've been experience a great deal of pain around the port area. I need to certainly move forward and have it checked out and get a CLEAR to go ahead and have it filled. Currently, there is NO restriction. I know that is a BIG part of my issue. Thank you for the words of encouragement, your absolutely right.
Thank you,
Because I rarely check in at ObesityHelp, I've just seen your note and hope that you've been looked over by now and weren't given a horrid report. Going on the assumption that nothing is terribly amiss, let me suggest that you start attending your practice's support group. If it doesn't have one, all other hospital's practices for schedule info. It would be unusual if another practice didn't welcome you to its group. It would be rare to find a practice that has separate groups for the different surgical procedures. Most have mixed groups which is also beneficial. If you happen to be in NYC, NYU has a band-only group and another for the others.