HOW is everyone doing with their LAP BAND?
Unfortunately this forum isn't very active as many folks have had their bands removed and revised to another WLS. There are a few that still have the band, but they don't post much.
Many doctors and insurances are no longer covering or performing band surgeries due to the long term complications that have arouse from the band. Please make sure if you get any stuck feelings, reflux, or left shoulder pain you go see your surgeon. After having my band for 13 years I had it removed and revised to the bypass. I no longer have reflux, but I still get left shoulder pain due to damage done from the band.
Best of luck to you.
Good luck to you with continued success!
Unfortunately, my band just damaged me completely and I had it removed a decade ago. The band caused extreme damage to my Vagus nerves and I still have referred left shoulder pain to this day.
IF you start to experience any type of left shoulder pain, please consult your doctor immediately. The more the Vagus nerve is irritated, the worse and more permanent it can become. It's not something you want to deal with. It doesn't happen to everyone, but it happens enough to be a cause for concern. The trick is to get rid of the irritant before the damage becomes too severe. I'm not saying this to discourage you... I just don't want anyone else to experience it.
This board isn't overly active, but if you search for band groups, you may find some here on OH.
I wish you the best!
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
I have had my band since 2009! I was 230 down to 130 and currently, 160! The weight gain has made me highly depressed! I am having heartburn terribly and healthy food rarely ever stays down. I am eating a lot of junk food and things I can tolerate easily! I have completely stopped having periods and I'm only 43. I don't know if it's related but I know my eating habits are bad! I am always puking up when I try to eat anything bread like!
The band is predictably, unpredictable ... Nobody tell you before surgery that hormones and stress and other things can affect the tightness of the band!
So, now I'm struggling w depression, constant puking but scared to death to have the band removed or even to see a doc about it because I don't want them to remove it because I know I will be big again, but living like this is pretty miserable and not healthy at all!
I cant afford anymore surgeries and no insurance :(
there should be a law suit against this band!
I had my band put in around the same time as you did, and had the unpredictable thing removed last month and a revision to bypass. Even though I'm still recovering, it's clear I'm doing better now. Please try and find a way to have your band removed as it will just continue to build up scar tissue as your complications increase. Your weight will continue to climb but your health will decline as well. Your road sounds just like the one I was on until a few weeks ago.
Send me a private message and I will tell you where to meet us happy bandsters.
You may not be happy forever. complications barretts esophagus acid reflux