Year Eleven And Still Happy With My Band

on 7/2/15 10:07 pm

I have had my band for 3 years.  I have lost 70 lbs and have kept it off.  

Your message is inspirational to hear about the long term success!  The band significantly changed my quality of life and I highly recommend it.  

Jackie G.
on 7/6/15 9:21 am

Wahoo, way to go!! I am 7 1/2 years out and still loving my band as well.  Total life changer for me :)

on 7/6/15 1:38 pm - CA

6 years for me.No issues follow up with surgeon still every six months I feel that is important so if there are issues they'll be caught early on

on 7/20/15 7:15 pm

I am happy for you and encouraged by your success (But I have much empathy for those who have not had your positive outcome). I don’t know where I’m going to fall. I had lap band surgery June 16 (with no restriction), and I had my first fill, 3cc, about a week ago. I have been losing weight because of dieting, but I am constantly looking for food and have had several mini binges. I don’t know if this is because I’m not yet adequately filled or if I’m doing something wrong. I have had tremendous pain when I’ve eaten too fast. But sometimes, I don’t know if I’ve eaten too fast or if I am experiencing this new “full” feeling. What does “full” feel like? Is it like the pain from eating too fast? Or is it what comes right before the pain? Or, is it different? I know from many years of past experience that I won’t be able to keep dieting forever, and I’m so worried because the band doesn’t seem to be helping . Thanks very much, CSG_61615

Nic M
on 7/21/15 2:17 am, edited 7/21/15 2:26 am

Hi CSG, 


Sometimes it takes a lot of experimenting with the amount of saline in your band to reach the correct level of restriction. Be aware, though, that you might have proper restriction one day and not the next due to body fluctuations. It's important to try to control the binges, especially this early out from surgery. You might notice a few "stop eating signs"- hiccups, runny nose... and it's important to stop eating before you get to the "ouch!" point. You might want to consider attending support meetings for a bit. It helps to hear from others who are going through the same thing as you. 

Patience is key with the band. Don't get your band overfilled because it causes damage. Most likely you won't have the "full" feeling like most of us do after eating a large meal. (Before getting the band.) You will have to pay very close attention to your body and it does take some getting used to. 


Best of luck to you. I hope things go well for you. 





 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


on 7/21/15 9:25 am

Thanks Nic M


on 7/27/15 12:00 am

I, too, am happy with my LAP-Band.  I had my surgery in February 2012.  The one thing that convinced me to have the LAP-Band surgery is that I wanted the least invasive surgery.  I did not want organs cut or removed.  I felt (and I still do) that their is a purpose to all those organs and the way they work as God would not have put them there if they were not needed.


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