Year Eleven And Still Happy With My Band

Nic M
on 6/28/15 3:09 am, edited 6/28/15 3:39 am

Just so you have a little more of an idea of what some of us go through, I'll share this. 

I turned 47 on the 26th of this month. Two weeks previous, I spent some time in the hospital because I had blood pouring out of me when I went to the bathroom. I have bleeding ulcers (which occurred during my time banded,) and I have gastritis (also developed while banded,) I was having yet another severe bout of acute diverticulitis (which also developed while I had my band since I was constipated severely due to a twisted stomach.)  I had test after test and my gastroenterologist said, "Nic, that band did damage. We need to get you healthier." Add some high blood pressure and diabetes to the health issue list. I took phentermine after band removal in an attempt to stave off inevitable regain. It caused my blood pressure to sky rocket... and stay there. I obviously had to stop taking it... or risk suffering a stroke or heart attack, so I regained. Now I'm diabetic, as well, of course. I had the band done to hopefully avoid these issues and instead of being helpful in that regard, it did massive damage to my digestive system. 


I could tell from all the doctors discussing my issues that things were pretty bad. Sometimes I'm so tired of the sickness stuff that I kind of want to just give up. It's hard to enjoy life when you can barely stand to walk because of pain in your stomach and chest. 

My son lives in South Carolina and goes to college there. His birthday was a few days before mine and I have never missed his birthday, ever. So I decided that in spite of my not being in the best of health, I was going to drive down to see him. And I did. It was important to me and I did it. But it was painful, no doubt. I didn't fly because I'm on medication that causes me to have to go to the bathroom to a ridiculous degree. I stopped at every rest area on the way down to SC from WI. One day while I was there, my son said to me, "Mom, I hate seeing you in pain. I hope you can get better." When I had the band, he was just a little kid. He's part of the reason I had the band removed. He begged me. He's seen me in pain for a long damned time now. That is my biggest regret. 

This is why, when I see someone say such cavalier things as, "they're a dime a dozen," I get rather insulted. We all have our own experiences. Not every person who is banded is going to have the experience I had, thankfully. I wouldn't wi**** on anyone. But there are plenty who DO have serious issues and those issues are very real and very painful. When a person comes onto the forum and says that they're so busy "living life," maybe that person should thank their lucky stars that it's the case... and they're not languishing in pain from damage the band caused them. Perhaps you would consider rereading your posts and trying to see them from a different perspective.


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


on 6/28/15 12:10 pm

Thanks for reminding me of the reasons I left this forum.  I won't be back.  Carry on.

Nic M
on 6/28/15 12:53 pm

I don't think you'll be missed. It would seem no one knows who you are other than a spiteful, mean-spirited person. Most of your kind dropped off the board awhile ago, thankfully. All that's left now are kind, reasonable people who actually try to give support. It's probably not your kind of place. 




 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


Ms Shell
on 7/20/15 1:50 pm - Hawthorne, CA

You shouldn't be back...comments UNDERMINING those who have had problems were totally NOT necessary to you saying you LOVE your band...maybe in reality it's YOU who are very unhappy in your life #carryon

on 7/4/15 11:17 pm - Vancouver, WA

I hear you Nic I wish these people could understand what it is like to live in daily pain and not just ouch that hurt but oh my god I can't move pain. I know that pain where you just double up and pray maybe you'll die today! The pain that is there when you go to sleep and is there to greet you every morning just in case you forgot about it when you dozed off for a few minutes. The pain that keeps you awake most nights and ruins every second of every day. Enjoy life??? Hell no I pray I don't live a long life, why would I want to stay here and suffer any longer than I have to? I won't take my life but I don't want my life either, there is little to enjoy in it.

I already have to wear a fentanyl patch and take oxycodone 4 times a day for my arthritis and yet I can still feel the horrid pain caused from the damage my lap band did thru the pain meds I am already on. I just want to warn people that not everyone turns out having a good outcome from the band in fact over half don't have good outcomes, yet we are the meanies!!! Yeah live our lives for a few weeks and then come tell me how great this life is!! They just don't even have the tiniest clue!!

Nic M
on 7/5/15 9:03 am


I'm so sorry that you're still in so much pain. I have two doc appointments tomorrow... and I'm not looking forward to either one. 


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


on 7/5/15 4:36 pm - Vancouver, WA

Yep if it weren't for doctors appointments I'd have no social life at all!! Doctors make lousy friends!! Hope your apptmnts aren't too awful. Hugs friend!!!


Nic M
on 7/6/15 3:41 pm

What a long day. Had one appointment in the town I live in and then had to drive to the town where my gut doc practices. I'm all bandaged from needle pokes and pooped out. The good news is that I don't have to have another surgery, so I'll consider it a positive thing. 


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


(deactivated member)
on 6/29/15 7:26 am - NY

I am 8 years out with no problems either Brooklyn!  I love my band and it totally saved my life.  I would be dead now or close to it if I didn't lose the 85 pounds I did.  Still have 50 to go but a bout with breast cancer derailed me for a year or so. I would be well over 350 pounds or more now if I wasn't banded.  I realize with another type of surgery I would be at goal by now but I am 55 and in no rush.  I am healthy and alive!  The band was new when I first got it and  I am sure all the complications were not known back then.  I guess I was one of the lucky ones.  Just had a complete upper GI series because I had to find a new surgeon.  My old one moved and my new one wanted to make sure everything was in place.  Not sure it would be what I would choose today but consider myself one of the fortunate ones!  Happy for you too!

crystal M.
on 7/1/15 10:59 am - Joliet, IL

Going on 6 1/2 years and nearly 200lbs lost and maintained.  And never a complication.  I consider myself doing well and lucky.

Saying that I would never say an unkind word to those that have less than favorable experiences or out right horror stories because those are the very people I would turn to and lean on if god forbid my fairy tale ends.  I am not arrogant enough to think that I am infallible.  I was also taught that what people need when they are sick or not doing well is compassion. 

You might hear a broken record but what I hear is people just trying to tell their story.  Just like I do when people ask about the band.  Only my story is a good one.    

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