Monday I had to go see my doctor, I was coughing, and vomiting. My voice hasnt come back yet. Any advise on regaining my voice and will he put all the cc's back?
(The doctor said I must have over eaten and turned the band/prolapse).
These are all questions you need to ask you doctor, we have no way of knowing what he will do. If you are concerned I would suggest you call his office and ask him what he expects to do. He my not even know yet what he will do.
omar88 on 6/28/15 1:12 pm
90 % of my voice has come back, however I still am taking the ompresol and will see the doctor in 2 weeks.
I also lost my voice often while banded. I think the high pressure on the esophagus might have something to do with it, but I'm not sure. Hope you're doing okay.