Am I ready for an adjustment?

on 1/10/15 11:43 pm

I have had a few adjustments. The one I currently has is a 9 in a 10cc band. Some days I feel I need one,but here is my question. If I'm honest the bad stuff goes down no problem,but the things I should eat is what I feel restrict ion with. I can feel my liquids sitting in my esphogeus until it all goes down. I do have some reflux at times. I have a feeling I should just be making food choices. 

on 1/11/15 8:12 am - Vancouver, WA

Yep you answered your own question, you just need to eat better and stick to the diet rules protein first, veggies second and then IF still hungry a healthy carb. Eat slowly snd chew well, until liquidy. Some folks wait 1/2 hr to drink any liquids and others don't so I guess that is up to you. Personally I wait awhile because I'm usually too full. This should get you back on track and if you are having trouble with liquids feeling like they are backing up you may want to get a tiny unfill so you don't have reflux. Reflux is usually the beginning of the end with bands unless you act quickly to get rid of it, it tends to get worse.

on 1/11/15 8:49 am

Thanks, sometimes that little reassurance is needed. 

I just feel like after a year I'm just really starting to know my band. Tomorrow is a new day and I'll be focus on proteins and measuring my foods. 

Thanks so much!

Kate -True Brit
on 1/11/15 5:30 pm, edited 1/11/15 5:30 pm - UK

As Hislady says! Soft foods will always go through, as you say yourself, you need to make good choices!

Don't have a fill unless you are 100% certain you need one. Being too tight is one of the main causes of serious complications. Sometimes scar tissue builds up and it is beyond our control but keeping our band at a sensible level if we possibly can is crucial to success. I am paranoid about this and that may be one reason why I am still banded after almost 9 years. (Hislady lost her band through no fault of her own.)

With a correctly adjusted band, food shouid pass through in about a minute. If it doesn't, and if liquids build up above the band, you are already too tight. Being too tight encourages us to resort to slider foods and puts the longevity of the band at risk. 

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


Zee Starrlite
on 1/13/15 9:40 am

It sounds like you should get some fluid taken out of your band.  Getting more put in with the way you describe your present state would be begging for trouble.

Good luck!

3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

on 1/15/15 9:14 am

As Zee replied liquids sitting in the esophagus can/does lead to problems like an dilated esophagus. Which in turn can lead to motility issues. Refluz with the band is quite common 33% of banders experience it and can lead to Pre Cancer conditions. Just a suggestion, instead of going for a Fill talk you your Dr. about the problems that your currently experiencing especially if you want any hope of long term success with the band.







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