Got banded on 11/29!

on 12/5/14 12:40 pm

Hey everyone! 

So I got banded last Saturday, and day 5 post op i was feeling great. The first few days I had such intense neck pain nothing would help. I woke up from surgery with the pain, and the only time it went away was when I was being administered painkillers through the IV. I was in such immense pain, I literally did not think I was going to make it out alive LOL. But day 6 and to be quite honest I feel nothing except some soreness around the port area when I get a good belly laugh (every second I hang out with my brother). Thus far I have lost a little over 10 pounds. 

I started freaking out because 2 days after surgery, I accidentally took off all my steri-strips, except the one covering my port (that one is sealed up still with steri-strips and plastic over them). Is this okay? My scars all very very small, and all but 1 are already dried up. One of them is just a little tender & sensitive, and has a bruise right below it. The others looks like literal paper cuts on my stomach. I am very happy about that. But someone please put my mind at ease that I took off the steri-strips almost immediately. I  called my mom crying at work today saying I effed up and I'm never going to have a normal stomach.

This liquid diet is a killer, but I called my doctor up and he said its okay to have small pieces of mushy food starting last night. I had a spoon of refried beans, a spoon of cottage cheese, and a spoon or two of mashed potatoes for mushy foods. I also had about 7 sugar free jellos, and 3 pudding cups (sugar free). And I still feel hungry. my stomach is constantly rumbling, and it's hunger pains. No food is giving me discomfort, is that normal? I feel like there isn't even a band inside of me LOL. I'm already feeling a lot more confidence. 

But yeah to keep it short, I had surgery woke up, thought I was dead/dying for 4 days, woke up the 5th day feeling peachy as ever. 

on 12/5/14 12:41 pm

oh, and also I have had 0 acid reflux. which is strange, because before surgery I would have very bad acid reflux constantly almost every single day. 

Kate -True Brit
on 12/5/14 5:38 pm - UK

Once the swelling goes down, people often wonder if the surgeon forgot to put the band in! It is quite common to get no help from it until after a fill, or even several fills. Must work hard at eating as you shouid! Protein makes you fell fuller for longer than carbs. My stand by was thick, blended home made soup with chick peas in it for protein. 

If the wounds look ok, I shouldn't worry about them! If they don't, call your doctor. 

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 12/6/14 8:18 am - Vancouver, WA

Don't worry about the steri strips, they want you to keep them on until they fall off but mine never last long 3-5 days as a rule. It's just mostly to keep things together right after the initial cutting.

Your stomach will gurgle and rumble from now on, it just kinda is how it is after any stomach surgery. Yep you may be hungry until you get a few fills altho I never did get that satisfied feeling even when I was nearly full, many of us never do.Try to eat as much protein as you can to help you stay feeling fuller. Food should not give you discomfort ever, if it does you are having problems. Just remember to take tiny bites and chew until the food is liquidy. Once in awhile you may get a foamy mucusy junk and that means you either ate too much or too fast and tummy is unhappy with you. Otherwise you should be able to eat normally.

on 12/10/14 6:01 am

I am on day 7 and this liquid thing is killing me lol. I'm hungry. Pain I'm fine I still have some gas in my shoulders which hurts, I wi**** would go away! I'm glad your surgery went well.

on 12/12/14 12:03 pm

Hi I was banded on 12/2/14 and so happy to find another newbie.  Hated the shakes and liquids as well.  I had my post-op yesterday and am allowed 4 oz mushy protein and pureed foods now.  I too am not feeling "full" my first fill in 3 weeks away and I am so afraid I will over eat but doing my best to keep focus on good proteins.  

My concern: I was 299 at surgery and down to 284 - I have not lost an ounce in the last 5 days.  Is that normal - love that I left the "90s" and am in the "80s" but I thought i would continue to lose a little every day.


Any advice from those who have been through this? 


Keep the faith and good luck!

on 12/14/14 3:04 pm

Those first weeks, your weight may stall if you're not eating enough protein.  Remember to really max out the protein as much as you can in the first 3 to 4 weeks post op to avoid hair loss.  My surgeon was adament that we not eat the empty carbs during this stage and I never had any hair loss.

12/09 and 6/11, 9 skin removal procedures with Dr. Sauceda in Monterrey Mexico
Revised to the Sleeve after losing 271 lbs with the LapBand. 

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