Iron deficiency with the band

on 11/12/14 7:08 am - Coldbrook, Canada

I am asking for a friend of mine who has a band as well. She seem to having issues with maintain he iron levels. She take supplements and eats more iron enriched foods but her iron levels are not increasing. I had the same issue with damaged from my first band. But received iron injections which did the trick. My friends doctor is reluctant to do the injections. Just wondering if there are any other ways to help her iron level. Thanks in advance.

on 11/12/14 12:43 pm - Vancouver, WA

Some people even non WLS people have trouble maintaining iron levels, she may want to see a hematologist to see if there is a medical reason she is having this problem. If her primary is reluctant then maybe he would send her to  hematologist to get her check out good and then he can decide whether injections are the answer.

on 11/12/14 11:19 pm

There are a variety of iron supplements, I take ferralet 90 it has a few other vitamins added to aid with absorption.

Maybe she can ask the doctor to switch her prescription and see if it helps.

But sometimes it doesn't, my Mom does not absorb iron well and has to have injections quarterly to get her back.


Start weight: 320
At surgery:  300
Current:      185
Goal:           175

Kate -True Brit
on 11/13/14 1:29 am - UK

As the others say, naybe she needs to be referred to a specialist. Iron deficiency is not caused by the band except insofar as we eat less so it is hard to get a fully balanced diet. As we don't have any malabsorption, any deficiencies may have other causes.

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


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