Getting Banded in 2 weeks! Questions & Opinions!

Bette B.
on 11/9/14 11:45 pm

I'm just going to echo everything that Kate said. And BTW, next month will be my ELEVENTH bandiversary!


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

Kate -True Brit
on 11/10/14 12:18 am - UK
On November 10, 2014 at 7:45 AM Pacific Time, Bette B. wrote:

I'm just going to echo everything that Kate said. And BTW, next month will be my ELEVENTH bandiversary!

Bette, some of the ones I have lost touch with are the ones you and I met in in Mystic! Debbie kept in touch for a while and we know what happened to poor Sue. Have you ever heard from Karen? When last heard of, she was fine and Debbie had lost all her excess weight and was maintaining. 

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 11/10/14 6:58 am

Happy Almost B(and)irthday!

on 11/10/14 3:30 am


I was banded in 2006 and was 27 at the time so hopefully I can be of some help.

You can see my scars but they are easily covered, I recently had my abdomen skin removed and now you can really see my port but honestly I think I am the only one worried about it. 

What I would do if I were you for your birthday would be to make sure you are up early and have eaten well (healthy) and are properly hydrated before you go out for your birthday.  Ask for a clear drink and ask the bartender to make it light, this way you can keep sipping and adding juice or whatever clear liquid to you ****tail to make it seem like you are drinking.

What I find most scary is I can get buzzed fairly quickly but on top of it, it does not go away! I can stay buzzed for hours and if you keep drinking (which usually happens when you are buzzed) you will quickly get drunk, way too drunk!  And because you are still eating so less your recovery will really suck and I really hope this doesn't happen but if you end up vomiting you will irritate your newly operated on stomach which could permanently effect your health (I am sure you have read the posts) not saying the others have done this but you would  hate (with all the complications a band can already cause) compromise your band and stomach out so early.

But remember that you may not EVER like the way you look in a two piece, I dont I was much older and heavier than you but I do not have a normal body or one that I would EVER show even after my anchor cut tummy tuck. 

I am excited for you!! Good luck sounds like you have done your research and I wish you the best.

A lot of people have complications but I still think there are a lot of us who it has worked for.




Start weight: 320
At surgery:  300
Current:      185
Goal:           175

on 11/10/14 7:10 am

Hey Mel!

Thanks for your advice. I will be avoiding alcohol at all costs during the holidays and new years (where i am known for getting absolutely plastered with my family and friends). I'm saving up the drinking for my 21st, which I don't really plan on doing much of. 

Getting drunk faster.. ooo boy that means I will end up being a cheap drunk! One drink and I'm gone! I have a pretty high tolerance now (helps that I'm pretty chubby lol). I have a great figure, not to toot my own horn. It is just covered under years and years of chocolate cake, and junk food! When I lost the 40ish pounds a few years ago, I was starting to see my shape pretty well. I had that hourglass shape some people go after. I think for this upcoming summer I'll be rocking a sexy one piece until all is in order and I can take care of the scars with some sort of laser treatment. 

I mean everything has complications. It won't work for everything, and this goes for many things. Like me, I could never rock neon polish but my friends sure can (horrible analogy, I know :/ ) I'm just so excited, I began crying in my car today!

on 11/10/14 5:02 am

Thanks for the post. I am very excited for you! I'm also having WLS on dec. 15. So excited. U are so lucky to have your parents to guide you. Good luck and keep us posted.


on 11/10/14 7:01 am

Hi Robin,

That's exciting! I will definitely keep you all posted. I wish you luck for your date, too! I know, I am definitely very grateful for my parents. They want what is best for me; they want me to be healthy and live a long life. They want me to be able to enjoy my life, and for that I honestly feel so indebted to them. They are great parents, and although we argue, it's over petty crap and I know they always have my best interest at heart. Love them, and the thought of moving out in less than a year makes me so sad!

Not to be nosey, but do you mind telling me your current weight, and height? Are you also around my age? 


on 11/12/14 8:29 am

I am getting my surgery on Dec 4th! And I'm too excited. I have also chose to get lap band. I am 23 and I just think it's the best for me. My doctor and I have talked multiple times and I just think this surgery is the best tool for my life. I understand the whole wanting to be skinny, to feel comfortable in your own skin. I too feel that way, my husband is a Marine and I look at him every day and wonder how this fit gym junkie could love such a chubby woman, but love is out there for everyone. I am just happy he supports me and is setting me up some workout post op lol. Good luck on your surgery!

on 11/13/14 1:56 pm

Hi Pinkzombies,

I'm very excited, and best of luck on your surgery! I feel like the odd one out all the time. All my friends are thin (the eat whatever they want and it won't even affect them kind of skinny), and my guy friends, including my brother, and super fit gym junkies. I'm literally the oompa loompa of the group. It doesn't feel good whatsoever. In a way, I feel embarrassed for my friends for hanging out with me. I feel you on the husband thing, my ex was fit and worked out all the time. But he would always tell me I wasn't good enough, and when he ate bad he would put the blame on me saying it's because of me. Good thing that relation**** is over with lol. I'm so so excited, I'm already making my meal plans, workout schedule, and looking at all the skinny clothes I will be able to wear. This is just SO exciting!

on 11/14/14 2:34 am

I'm sorry you had to deal with such a unsupportive boyfriend like that! Certain people are just not worth our time. An I also understand the friend thing, all my friends in high school where skinny (92-120lbs). I just didn't find it fair. My whole family is military so they are all fit and would calls we obese while I grew up... My dad even told me over dinner if I didn't lose weight my husband would leave me (which is a lie, but it hurt). It's hard to be different in the town I live in as well, if you're military affiliated you can end up on hate pages (Just the tip of the spear) and they make fun of how fat you are to the whole military population. Sorry I'm venting, I just understand how you feel lol. I have also thought of meals:) got my protein. Trying out different Isopures from gnc to see what I like before hand. An girl don't get me started on clothes lol. I downloaded wanelo and saved over 2,000 items lmao. When is your surgery? 

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