Banded 9 years ago-need some support!

on 10/28/14 12:55 pm

The ridged bottle feels like a massage .. But any bottle will work.

You want it small enough to roll under your foot .... So, about 20-24 ounces is the biggest I would get.



on 10/26/14 6:50 am - Vancouver, WA

I no longer have my band but I am still full of opinions! For me the only way to get weight off is to limit my carbs to 20 or lower a day but sounds like you are doing pretty good there unless the Starbucks is sneaking some in there. Otherwise if your metabolism is shot there are only 2 ways I know if to fix it, either do strength training and build muscle or look at malabsorptive weight loss surgery like the RNY or DS. The sleeve might work but it would be like the band only better because you don't have to mess with the fills.Any diet or exercise changes have to be for a lifetime tho or it won't last.

on 10/26/14 10:22 am

Thanks for the support.  And good luck with your revision surgery.  I have talked to the current surgeon that I see right now and he says RNY for the metabolic aspect would be what he would suggest.  But as I said before I do not want to have another surgery unless I have exhausted all options.  Besides I need insurance to cover it (do not have the cash to put out for it) and as for now we wont have private insurance until the first of the year and who knows if they even cover WLS.  

Yes, I have been sticking to the elimination of grains and refined sugars.  I did have two coffee's this week from Starbucks for my Anniversary and Birthday no sugar and no syrup (this is huge for me as I like coffee sweet and creamy) but I have not really been drinking coffee for the past 6 weeks anyway as its hard for me to pass on the sweet and creamy just easier not to indulge at all. I have been sticking with english breakfast tea small amount of cream and stevia.  

And yes you are right exercise is a lifetime change and up until I broke my ankle in 2008 I worked out regularly but with all of the crap that happened I got out of the habit and well life happens .  I bought Richard Simmons sweating to the oldies set and this summer was really going at it 3-4 times a week and then I started having issues with plantar fasciitis and this has made anything but small amounts of walking painful to the point that some days I am basically dragging my left foot a little just to walk around my house.  So frustrated because in my mind I want to get out and start running lol my sister keeps in shape by running and we have a similar stubborn metabolism but she is in normal weight range I on the other hand certainly am not, but running works for her.  I know I gotta walk before I run but in my head these are the crazy desperate thoughts that go through my mind.  I feel I am in a catch 22, need to loose some weight for the foot problem to go away and need to get moving to loose weight-but I am determined to do whatever it takes.  

Thanks for the support regardless of WLS or not.  

on 10/26/14 12:09 pm

I don't santo sound negative, but most of the reasons you listed for regain are going to de-rail you regardless of surgery type.

A revision will not prevent you from consuming liquid calories.  It won't get you to exercise, it won't de-stress your life.


I think you should do whatever it takes to get toa proper fill level and get back to whatever exercise you can do (you can do upper body weight work even with a broken ankle) and see what happens.


It might take time to get to a good fill level, but it will take time to have another surgery, too.

I think you owe it to yourself to go back to band basics and see what happens.


Best of luck!!


on 10/31/14 12:10 pm

When my faciitis was at its worst, inserts didn't help and neither did the New Balance sneaks that my Pod recommended.  What did help was Crocs.  Ugly, yes, but it finally let the cycle of inflammation stop.   Now I wear the NB most of the time and haven't had a recurrence in a year.  Swimming is also great for when you can't do weight bearing.  Keep looking for new ways to move more, you can do this.

on 11/1/14 2:04 pm

Thanks for the info.  The only shoes right now that I can wear are Birkenstock's.  I have looked at some message boards about the facitis and saw others wearing crocs too, so I may have to pick up a pair and see if that would give me some relief too.  The Birk's I have are looking kinda rough and do not match much of anything I have but I still wear them because at least I am not dragging my foot when walking with them on.  I hope the croc's help too as Birk's are so expensive.  Also I have thought about swimming or water aerobics (my favorite exercise of all time) :-) but money is tight as only my hubby is working to let me finish school.  I am going to see if I can get a YMCA scholarship because it is almost $50 a month for just me and my daughter.  

Thanks for the info and you are right finding ways to keep moving is so important!


on 11/29/14 10:36 am


I am going through a similar experience. I was banded in 2008.  Like you, so much has happen in my life since and 50 lbs have crept back on over the last few years.  I also believe that my metabolism is shot due to the surgery.  I've read some of the other replies to your original post and will see what advice will work for me. It is reassuring to know that someone is experiencing the same thing. 

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