LapBand Removal???/

on 7/26/14 10:27 am - Hoquiam, WA

I have had my LapBand since 9/2007.  The first year was amazing...I lost 120+ pounds.  (Starting weight 343).  I felt great and couldn't have been happier.  July 2008 my gallbladder starting acting up and I had my gallbladder removed in September.  From this point forward my weight starting creeping back up (270 lbs)...I worked with a personal trainer, ate right and over the course of the next three years I was able to lose 25 pounds. (245 lbs).  In May of 2013 I had to have foot surgery that turned into no weight on my foot for 8 weeks.  (I was supposed to be able to bear weight as soon as I was out of surgery).  I am now at 328 pounds. 


I am contemplating having the band removed and going the route of bypass.  I currently have zero medical problems (other than obesity) and want to live a full life...which I am unable to do now because my weight holds me back.


Any advice? (please don't feel the need to tell me what I have done wrong...I beat myself up about my failure every second of every day and don't need any help feeling horrible about myself...I can take care of this on my own) :-(


on 7/26/14 1:39 pm - Davison, MI

You might want to check out the failed band group for info and the revision forum for input.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 7/26/14 2:34 pm - Vancouver, WA

Please don't beat yourself up, the band has proven to be a very poor product for many of us. I don't know if you can get insurance to cover a revision if the band isn't causing any problems altho I have read of a few people who have been able to get a revision simply because the band didn't give them weight loss. You would have to check wiht your insurance to see if it would cover a revision. The band didn't work for alot of us so you aren't alone by any means

on 7/27/14 2:53 am - Hoquiam, WA

Thank you.  I am not looking for insurance to cover the procedure ( I had to pay for my band after fighting insurance).  I simply want to have a full healthy life and am willing to pay for another surgery if I have to. Your words helped.  :-)


Kate -True Brit
on 7/26/14 5:53 pm - UK

Sorry to hear it has not worked for you.

i don't know the US system but one thing which occurs to me s that you don't say that anything has actually gone wrong. You don't say the band s causing pain, reflux, difficulty in eating etc., so that might mean an insurance company would not pay for revision. 

It also seems that if by working out and eating properly, you lost 25lbs in three years, you may have some other issue like an under-active thyroid.  At 270lbs, exercise and a healthy diet, you would expect to lose much more than that.

Not, not, not trying to make you feel bad! But if the band is not causing problems (maybe it is and you just didn't mention it ), might it be worth going back to your bariatric team, perhaps getting a fill and starting over again?

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 7/27/14 3:04 am - Hoquiam, WA

I don't have major problems, but I have been taking reflux medication for about 5 years now.  I have been going back to my surgeon and he puts me on a frozen meal diet plan...protein shake in the am, frozen meal at lunch, frozen meal at dinner.  Nothing in between meals, including fruit.   I can't seem to follow this plan as I can only eat so many frozen meals.  (He wants me to do this for 3 months.) 

There are times I can eat almost anything (toast, pancakes, etc), while other times I can't eat two bites of protein without it coming back up. I never know what will or won't go down, so I find it very difficult to stay on track.  

on 7/26/14 6:13 pm, edited 7/26/14 6:14 pm
Revision on 12/16/14

Yes, please do not beat yourself up. I did for so long because the industry is set up to make you feel it's your fault for not eating right or that you just didn't get proper fills when you have a lap-band. I've had my band for 14 years. I'm looking at a revision to a sleeve. The surgeon I chose told me that he has stopped doing lap-bands because there is a 75% fail rate which is why revision surgery booming. My band was so tight that I couldn't even swallow 30cc (a medicine cup) of contrast for a barium swallow last month. Thursday, I had a EGD and it showed a lot of damage to my stomach and esophagus from the lap-band. My sister had a lap-band placed at the same time I did and she lost 90lbs and gained it back. Her band was so tight she was actually malnourished! I don't want to discourage anyone considering the lap-band because I have two friends who have maintained their weight loss for 10 years or more post band without any complications. I chose the band because I liked that it could be removed if there were complications.

on 7/27/14 3:06 am - Hoquiam, WA

I am certain there are issues with my stomach because I can't eat anything without it going right through me.  :-(

Karen D.
on 7/26/14 10:30 pm - NY
Revision on 11/24/15

I didn't have the same issues as you, but I lost and regained.  I always struggle to lose no matter how hard I try.  Talked to my doc about revision to sleeve and he said at this time I need to have a documented reason why the band won't work.  I don't have one.  I actually have done well with my band, it hasn't given me reflux, slipped or anything.  I just can't seem to get the stars all aligned right to lose this darned weight!  So at this time I am working with it and hoping things will work in my favor.

Good luck!

on 7/27/14 3:05 am - Hoquiam, WA

Thank you.  Good luck to you as well.

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