wanted - Lapband Slip Success Stories

on 5/14/14 1:25 pm

I found out on Monday that I had a mild slip.... the surgeon unfilled my band and I have to go back in a minth to check on progress.... hopefully the band will move back into place....  but I am filled with anxiety.... my questions for my fellow banders are:


1) does anyone have any success stories of a slip rectifying itself?   The internet is filled with unsuccessful stories that has got me so freaked out!

2) during your total unfill... did you need to keep to an all liquid diet?  My doctor did not mention it... he just recommended only taking in 4 oz of protein at a time


Kate -True Brit
on 5/14/14 6:56 pm - UK

I have not had the experience but know several who have.  A mild slip can be reversed by a total removal  of saline with a gradual re-filling. The people I know did not have to go on a liquid diet but that is very much a questjon to ask your surgeon. 

There is a good possiblity that if the slip was small, it may be reversed. Certainly not the time to start worrying about it. Getting stressed can make us feel tighter and you don't need that right now! 

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 5/14/14 8:18 pm

Thank you Kate - I have been so happy with my results and I am self pay - so really worried about putting on weight.  


on 5/15/14 12:11 am - brooklyn, NY

Hello, my name is Tami.  How would I know if my band slipped?  I was banded in 2010.


on 5/15/14 12:23 am

Hi Tami - I had a fill that made my band to tight which I knew before the fill I should not have gotten.  If I can pass anything along it's please follow the lapband rules!  I had about three months of not being able to keep things down, lot's of reflux  and uncomfortableness!  I was ****y and wanted the smaller jean size rather then losing weight properly and using the tool the way it is supposed to be utilized!


on 5/15/14 1:12 am - brooklyn, NY

Thank you.  I was just curious--as I have never experienced a slip. I had one major problem, and that was a umbilical hernia after the single incision surgery.  Unfortunately, I now have another hernia (no surgery needed for this one).  The acid reflux overall is a mess.  I resolved that issue by taking a quarter tea spoon of baking soda with water.  With the baking soda cure , you can actually feel the gas neutralize.

Best of luck to you!

Tami , NYC. 

on 5/15/14 3:25 am

Same to you !  


on 5/15/14 3:01 am

Hi, I had a slip in 2003. My slip was severe. I couldnt even swallow my spit. I had to have emergency surgery to fix my slip. Once it was fixed, I felt great. I have never had any problems since. You will have to have it fixed but you have the luxury to wait. My band was unfilled and it helped for about an hour. I had chest pain. If your symptoms worsen, then see your surgeon asap. Good luck. Mona

Veteran Bandster 2002

Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!

on 5/15/14 3:30 am

Thanks Mona - I had the worst chest pain today that came on about 4 hours after having a protein shake.... Came close to going to ER - pain has subsided but going to doctor in a half hour 


on 5/15/14 6:28 am - Marshfield, MA

My slip corrected itself :-) and I ate what I wanted. I did gain a bit while unfilled but eventually was back on track :-)

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