
on 1/15/14 6:34 am

I am looking at having lap-band surgery. I have a doctor and just submitted the last documents needed. I am starting to get cold feet about it. In the support group I go to it seems that most people focus on what they can not longer eat. There are a few who constantly remind everyone that what you can and cannot tolerate is different for each person.  My biggest fear is that I will no longer be able to enjoy some of the foods I love like steak and food either grilled or smoked. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to get through this period?

Kate -True Brit
on 1/15/14 5:28 pm - UK

There are no foods I cannot eat. A few I need to be careful with, but I can still eat them.

Some people have problems not of their own making getting to the correct level of restriction but if the band is limiting their choices severely there is either a physical problem or the band is too tight.  Some people believe, incorrectly, that the band should be tight enough to restrict intake. Restriction should not mean that; it should mean that it slows eating not stops it. People who through choice keep their band tight enough to make eating difficult are risking damage.

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 1/16/14 4:12 am - Vancouver, WA

The only foods I have any difficulty with (my band has been empty 2 yrs.) are doughy ones like white bread, pasta and donuts. Of course we shouldn't be eating those anyway! kiss I can eat a little bit of whole grain bread, pasta and cake if I really go slow and chew well but personally it's just more work than the pleasure I might get from them. As for steak I don't eat much red meat but can say that meat tends to depend more on whether it is dry or moist. If it is dry I can't get much down if it is nice and moist like cooked in a crock pot or with lots of sauce I don't have any trouble. Some stringy foods can be difficult too like raw celery or asparagus but cooked seems to be OK. Right after surgery it may be more difficult but the longer you are banded the easier it gets.

Now for my personal opinion I wouldn't wish the band on anyone, it is the least effective weight loss surgery with only a 50% success rate and that isn't to goal that is any weight loss, even 5 pounds! So even tho there are a few like Kate and Bette who have had success with the band, they worked very, very hard and still do to keep their weight off.  There are far more like myself who lost all of 20 lbs with the band and the rest of my weight loss is from MY hard work. So I can only suggest you read about all 4 major weight loss surgeries here on OH, the band, VSG (vertical sleeve gastrectomy), RNY and the DS. Read the forums for each and see how it is living with each one, then make a choice that will work for you. Had I known of the sleeve 7 years ago I would have had that in a heart beat. So don't choose out of ignorance or because of your doctor's choice. Good luck!

Nic M
on 1/16/14 5:03 am

The more important thing to worry about is the high incident of referred left shoulder pain with the band. The Vagus nerves run from the base of the skull down through the diaphragm and into the stomach. It's ridiculously common to have damage or irritation to the Vagus nerves with gastric banding. The pain can range from mild to debilitating. It can also cause episodes of passing out, nonstop sneezing, and the pain can radiate into the neck, jaw, and ear.


Google Left Shoulder pain + Lap Band. You'll find tons of information. 


on 1/17/14 12:54 am

I am having issues with this pain. Every evening my left shoulder becomes so painful its difficult to much of anything. Do you believe this pain eventually goes away??? or is it common to be permanent damage? I have researching but cant seem to find much on a time frame.

Nic M
on 1/17/14 2:29 am

I had chronic left shoulder pain every single minute with the band. It got significantly better after band removal, though I still have occasional pain 8+ years after removal due to the damage to the Vagus nerve system. 

How long ago was your surgery? If it doesn't go away after a month or so, your Vagus nerves may be affected and you may need band removal to avoid further damage.

Take care. 

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