Posting lapband experience vs "band bashing"
We were doing pretty good, being supportive and the BAM. Fireworks, moderation, accusations, etc.
This board has some negative information on it, some complications, side effects, learning to break old bad habits in regard to diet, exercise and nutrition. Posting about those experiences is relevant and can have a positive effect if it helps to educate someone, allows them to make a fully informed consent or alerts them to early warning signs. Posting about these things might help someone SAVE their band. This is NOT bashing. It's being informative.
Band bashing on the other hand, might be telling every new banded person their band WILL fail. Sharing experience in a polite and factual manner, sharing studies that support ones experience and stating that not all band failures are user error, is not bashing.
I depended on many of the people here to guide me and help me when I was researching pre-op. They were successful, living life because they were shedding the burden of obesity. I got my band, in part, because they said it was a good choice, worked for them. Most of those individuals have either lost their bands, revised to another wls or are having to live with the pain, fear and anxiety that comes from having to again jump through hoops, dozens of tests, additional surgeries and expense of dealing with life threatening complications. Those who still have their ORIGNAL bands 5 years later are few and far between.
I personally don't care which wls you choose as long as you hear the uncensored truth, good and bad, and go into it with your eyes wide open. Yesterday I was told that my only option left to resolve my GI issues is one or more surgeries. The options aren't pretty. Manometry testing showed end stage achalasia. My next step is consult with a world renowned surgeon next month. I know I'm losing my band, the unknown factor is how much of my unaltered, uncut, un bypassed GI tract will I get to keep.
I have just one request. Remember when we were all friends here, excited about our future. What changed? Think about it. Just think about it and be kind to each other.
I get tired of being told to go away because the information I share isn't positive. It is what it is...I'm not going to lie or keep it to myself because some people want to get in the "way back machine" and pretend its 2007 and we don't know what we do today.
My experience is just as valid as someone banded 5+ years and without complications. This is a serious set of cir****tances with some really negative implications I wouldn't wish on anybody.
As an individual who has faced some major hurdles in my life, I'm really not looking forward to the treatment options I might be facing. I've already had over a dozen surgeries, I need knee replacement and it keeps getting pushed back dealing with band related complications. That's why I had WLS in the first place; get my bmi under 40 to qualify for knee replacement.
My family is stressed, I'm stressed, my husband and I planned to travel this last winter...nope. Had to stay put to have tests, wait for results, follow up appts and schedule more tests. All because I chose the least invasive WLS with no re-routing of my organs.
Yeah, I'm disappointed, a bit pissed off and more than a little scared. Don't tell me I don't belong here. My experience is as valuable as anyone else's.