slipped band
* * * * *Christie* * * * *
* Momi of 4 beautiful daughters and Lily the cat! *
My started to get tighter, They would take fill out and I would be OK for a while. Than it would get tighter agian. They would take more out and I'd be OK for a while again. This went on until they finally took it out. The insurance paid for the band, the removal but, I had to fight to prove medical nessecity to get the sleeve paid for.
I now am sleeved and loving it. I had some uncertainty the second month out but, it is now doing what I thought the band would be like.
I went ahead and had the surgery this past friday. I have some pain but not like the first time around. thats a good thing. I had the barrum swallow. He then showed me what a correct band location looks like and what mine looked like. He said they should be at a 45 degree angle toward your left should. Mine had slipped where it was a 45 degree angle to my left hip. The main thing I have noticed is I can now sleep again like normal. It had gotten to the point I had to sleep almost sitting straight up in bed or the recliner. And even that wasn't a sure thing that I wouldnt get the acid reflux or chocking in the middle of the night. I got to where I quit eating or drinking anything after 6 pm in hopes that I would get to sleep. More times then not that didnt even work.
So I can only hope that its fixed for good now. And will continue to work as good as it had been