New to the scene and I have questions
Hello everyone,
I have recently gone to the seminar where they spoke about the lapband, gastric bypass, and the new gastric sleeve surgeries. My doctor has recommended gastric bypass instead of the lapband (what I originally went in to talk to him about). I was wondering if any of you can give me some insite on which one would be the best. I know for the lapband I would have to go into have adjustments made, however, I am a military wife and we fly/travel a lot. We are also thinking about moving to Honduras permanently when my husband retires (in about 9-10 yrs), so I wouldnt be able to have some adjust it there. I would be flying back to the US at least once a year though. Thank you for your help. - Sabre'
I wouldn't advise anyone to get a band now that we know what the complications can be and if you travel and plan to settle out away from your surgeon you are going to have issues finding someone to fill you. I personally would go for a sleeve, which by the way is not a new surgery it has been done since the '40s for other issues. It is just somewhat new to weight loss surgery. It gives nearly the same amount of weight loss as the bypass and lets you eat pretty normally once healed. The band is not a life long surgery, the manufacturers say 5-10 years however after 2-4 years many of us have problems with it tightening up because of scar tissue. We are just finding lots of issues some even life threatening or leaving lifetime damage from the band. I regret getting mine and wish I had known then what I know now. I wouldn't advise a band for anyone when there are other options that are far more permanent and successful.
Please understand that if your family has any autoimmune issues stay clear of the lapband. I was healthier before the lapband then I am now. Before I had the lapband I didn't take any medicines, now I take 15 just to stay alive. I developed Lupus 2 years after the lapband was placed. They tell you that the lapband can be reversible but its not its just removable. You don't know what the lapband is doing to the cells in your body. Please don't get the lapband...the sleeve is a better option one I should of gotten. You may also hear that if your band fails you can always revise but thats not always the case, if it causes too much damage you are no longer a candidate for surgery. I hope you will take what I say into consideration when you decide.
Good luck.
lapband in 2008 at 298lbs , lowest weight was 183lbs , Band almost killed me and removed in 2011. No revison because to much damage for revision.
Anti Lap-band advocate!
Hi Sabre',
I would advise against banding, personally. It's very damaging and the statistics are really very bad.
Please consider reading the Revisions forum and the Failed Surgeries forum here. Google-- Lap Band Failure rates; referred left shoulder pain with Lap Band; and ask on the Main Board, as well.
I had the band and nearly died from complications with it. I have not revised to any other surgery, so I can't offer advice on the other options. But check out all the surgical forums and research fully before making your final decision.
I wish you the best.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
Thank you all for the information. I hope that you are all doing well now that the band is no longer in you. I did not know it could do all that! Wow! I figured there was a reason I was feeling uneasy about the band. I keep praying but the more I pray, the more I lean towards either gastric by-pass and the gastric sleeve. I will keep researching the others so that I will be more informed. Thank you again.
Hi again, Sabre',
I'm doing much better now, thank you for asking.
Please read through this thread on the failed surgery forum. You'll see a number of people who say that they wish they had known about all the complications before banding. The thread covers a number of years... and you'll see the same things occur over and over. und/3567246/I-HATE-THE-F-LAP-BAND/
Wish you the best. Researching as much as possible will insure that you make the best decision for yourself.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
Hi - Nobody here can give you insight on what would be best FOR YOU. We can give you insight on our personal experiences and opinions. I happen to be a Lap Band success story. You'll see many failure stories too. The reason I chose the band was my best friend and my sister both had horrible complications and regained all their weight with bypass. This, again, is a personal experience. I do know this - my doctor told me numerous times 7 years ago that placement and positioning of the band is key and that not every surgeon got this. Whatever you choose, go with a surgeon who has successfully performed LOTS of the surgery you choose. Best of luck to you!