My lapband story
Some of you know my story and some of you don’t, I am hoping that my story would catch the attention of those who are considering the lapband. In 2008 I had the lapband surgery, I did very well and I lost 113 lbs. In 2011 I got really sick and stomach began to swell, so they completely unfilled the band. It didn’t work I was still having swelling and some really odd symptoms like random swelling in joints but now that I think of it I was having that weird swelling of joints soon after my lapband was placed. I got very sick and lost 20lbs in a month from not being able to eat anything at all. I thought for sure the band had slipped or eroded or something but each test showed that the band was fine…but I wasn’t fine. In April of 2011 I was dx with Systemic lupus (SLE) and then it went downhill from there. I then had pericarditis, pleurisy, and pancreatitis all back to back. Lupus was attacking the lapband and anything near it so my heart and lungs were all taking a beating. Messed up thing was they had to put me on high dose steroids 100mgs and anyone who has taken steroids knows that is a lifesaving dose. I needed the lapband out but problem was I couldn’t get it out till I was stable so that took another six months. The lap band was removed and I was hoping that would be the end of the lapband damage but it wasn’t. Today I was diagnosed with Gastoparesis, basically my stomach is paralyzed, it doesn’t contract anymore. Food sits in my stomach and it decomposes. This is so very painful that I am on long term opiate therapy. The medicine to help has some serious side effects so I have decided to be on liquids and mushies for the rest of my life, much like I was when I had the lapband. I have lupus which I did not know could be a complication of the lapband……I wasn’t told that if I had a family history of autoimmune diseases that I should not have the lapband surgery, I also wasn’t told that it could damage the vega nerve and leave my stomach paralyzed. I was under this crazy illusion that once the band was out everything would go back to normal, that’s why we chose this as a WL tool right? Because it has the least risk right….No it doesn’t. I will never be able to truly tell you what went wrong only that it did and I will suffer for the rest of my life. It wasn’t worth it. The 113lbs I lost I gained back, all the steroids and other drugs they gave me to save my life well those all cause weight gain. So I am back to where I started only worse off. I am now disabled; I can barely walk some days let alone do any kind of work. My life has stopped and every day is a struggle just to get to the next day.
Please don’t say “it won’t happen to me” because I used to say the same thing. When other lapbanders would come on here and bash the lapband I would get so mad and tell them off and ban them….but they were right….they were only trying to help me. I don’t come on here much anymore because I feel shame…why?? That’s a good question maybe because I acted like an ass and pushed away anyone who wanted to take away my ray of sunshine. The truth is a hard one to swallow but I have eaten it and I will own it. I apologize to those who tried to help and I was a ***** to. Nic and Maria we have already conversed and I can never apologize enough.
With that said, please if you are considering the lapband please please please don’t do it. It is not the safest and it’s not as easy as removing it and life goes back as if it never happened. It causes damage. If you think that my story can’t happen to you it can I am proof it does. I’m sure I will upset someone with my post but I don’t care. I worked my band, I kicked ass with my band, ate what I was supposed to and it still FAILED guess the “band rules” don’t work for everything. You can also argue that my case is rare….but if someone would of told me that this was a possibility then I wouldn’t of gone through with it. Just be informed of ALL the risks not just the most common.
lapband in 2008 at 298lbs , lowest weight was 183lbs , Band almost killed me and removed in 2011. No revison because to much damage for revision.
Anti Lap-band advocate!
Sucks to be on this side, I really did have high hopes for this surgery. Messed up part of it is that I could of had any surgery I wanted and now I'm no longer a canidate...not that I would do any surgery again anyways.
lapband in 2008 at 298lbs , lowest weight was 183lbs , Band almost killed me and removed in 2011. No revison because to much damage for revision.
Anti Lap-band advocate!
I'm sorry you had problems too, we are all good people who are just looking for help. Sad thing is that wasn't the case. I hope you do well with your sleeve :)
lapband in 2008 at 298lbs , lowest weight was 183lbs , Band almost killed me and removed in 2011. No revison because to much damage for revision.
Anti Lap-band advocate!
Good to see you back! Sorry about your band problems, I remember you were very successful and pro band back when I was researching in 2008-2009. It's good to share your story, positive and negative...many are having similar issues, especially with regard to autoimmune disorders. Hope you're able to find a solution/relief from your gastroparesis...I too have motility issues and it sucks! Welcome to the failed bands group! /