Nothing like a Newbie
I remember the days when I was a Newbie. An excited new LapBander just waiting to use my new tool.
I remember thinking "those bad things won't happen to me" -- "I'll follow the rules and I'll have my Band forever"
Think about this for a moment, not one of us here, ever got our Bands and had the mere thought of it not doing what it was supposed to do. Everyone of us, even those who are considered "band bashers" -- went into that OR with the same hope of finding a healthy weight and a life changing tool.
We can be nasty sometimes to each other. We call each other names and we are dismissive when another tries to tell us her/his story of woe. Depending upon our status, we don't want to hear it. "I'm a newbie, don't tell me the bad stuff. sure I'm open to hearing your story, but please don't make it bad one." I've heard it, we all have heard it.
If we stop for one moment and put ourselves in another's shoes, perhaps, we wouldn't be so nasty and dismissive. There are some here who have suffered great injury - injury that has caused them to lose the hope of ever having a WLS tool, injury that has cost them more than their physical well-being, but financial hardship. Did they venture out into this WLS world expecting this outcome? No.
I think it's important - whichever side you find yourself to read these posts with an open mind.
I now find myself on the Revision end. I find myself with a tool that is finally working. I loved my LapBand. It changed my life forever and thankfully without permanent injury. I had to have it removed and I was fortunate that my insurance paid for the revision and the removal. I was fortunate my new doctor felt it was urgent and he pushed things through for me. He listened. He cared and he didn't act like I was to blame.
I mourned the loss of my Band, but only for a short moment.
Newbies - please be kind to those who have remained on this board to share their story
Vets - successful ones - please be kind to those Vets who haven't found the same success. Remember it isn't always the Bander's fault. It isn't always their behavior or a result of their poor choice that lead them to the demise of their tool and often physical injury.
Vets - unsuccessful ones - please be kind to our newbies. Tell your story - facts are the best. They need to hear it with an open mind - and facts are the best way to get your story out there.
Unfortunately, the Lapband has not turned out to be the best tool out there. Yes, there are some extremely happy banders, but even those who are still banded after 5 years, they have suffered a few hiccups. Port revisions, Lapband replacements etc etc.
For me, I am thankful for the Loss I was granted with the assistance of my Band. I'm thankful moreso for having it removed in time before I sustained permanent damage. And I'm thankful to be back on the loser's bench.
Lost 271lbs with my LapBand in 22 months! My Band malfunctioned and I gained almost 42lbs and then revised to the Sleeve 9/24/12! I lost another 140 lbs with my Sleeve! Loved the LapBand and Lovin' The Sleeve!
Excellent post. Thank you. Just to add...... Being kind, being nice is actually more effective anyway! Others listen to people's views (whatever those views might be) much more closely if they are presented in a non-aggressive manner. And specious, unsupported assertions (again from either "side") do a disservice to everyone!
Highest 290, Banded - 248 Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.
Happily banded since May 2006. Regain of 28lbs 2013-14. ALL GONE!
But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,
Maybe we should start a new room....FAILED BANDS.....period. not failed WLS. My band failed. I didn't. Good luck to you new bansters. Don't flame us for wanting to help. Don't get mad at us for telling you that fire is hot. Don't get mad at us for warning you about street traffic before you start playing stick ball there. The band sucks. Don't waste your time or money. Look into something that WILL work.
I knew I shouldn't have posted on here. But I liked the original post. It asked us to share experiences without judgement.
Should have known the thread would degenerate into "the band sucks"
Shame. But thank you for trying. Lilsleeved.
Highest 290, Banded - 248 Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.
Happily banded since May 2006. Regain of 28lbs 2013-14. ALL GONE!
But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,
Yes you should post, and post on any thread you choose to. people need to hear what you have to say Kate. You are honest and try to help.There will always be people who have good and bad things to say. But I feel if you don't reply to negative post it can't turn in to a ******g match. State the facts people come here for info on the band it's a lapband board. Good and bad they need to hear it.
Thank you Lilsleeved, good post

Lapband - Jan 2009 weight goal reached with lapband. Revised to VSG- 1/25/16
I remember you Cheyenne when I was first banded. Thank you for always been supportive and helpful to the Newbies.
Lost 271lbs with my LapBand in 22 months! My Band malfunctioned and I gained almost 42lbs and then revised to the Sleeve 9/24/12! I lost another 140 lbs with my Sleeve! Loved the LapBand and Lovin' The Sleeve!
on 1/5/13 8:42 pm, edited 1/5/13 8:51 pm
I think your post is good, but I am EXTREMELY suspicious of anyone that continually try to CONVINCE themselves and others that they made the right choice. If you are happy with your Sleeve that's good, but remember this is the lap band board and many people that come here WANT LAP BAND SUPPORT. At least I do. I had the chance to revise to the Sleeve before I got my band replaced. But I chose the band again because it's "Adjustable and Reversible", that was the reason I chose it 8 years ago and that is the reason I opted for rebanding instead of a conversion to the Sleeve, when I got my hiatal hernia repaired.
The lap band IS THE BEST TOOL FOR MANY PEOPLE that DO NOT WANT their stomach removed or insides rearranged. The lap band has NEVER BEEN THE BEST TOOL FOR WEIGHT LOSS, it is NOT DESIGNED FOR THAT. Many people need to be educated on how the band IS SUPPOSE TO WORK. It is just a simple tool that limits and restricts solid food and reduce hunger, it does nothing else. It was an alternative for those did not want the Bypass. You can't tighten up the band to reduce it to only teaspoons of food without damaging it, but unfortunately many people have done this and probably will continue to do this and the complications will always be there for some people. If people NEED MORE help with weight loss they should consider the Bypass or DS and NOT the band.
For ME, the Sleeve just does not make sense, the band provides restriction the same as the Sleeve. If I did not want Adjustments and if I was willing to get my stomach removed, then the Sleeve would have been a good choice, but again, I got the Band because I WANT band adjustment and I WANT the capability to remove it if problems occur. Can the band be a pain in the a$$, yep, but I know it and I am used to it and I am comfortable with the band, but overall my band experience has been good, the reason I opted to get a replacement instead of the Sleeve.
If I was WILLING to go for the gusto, I would have gotten the Bypass in the FIRST PLACE, but I did not have diabetes and I am a pretty healthy woman, I don't take meds for high blood pressure or have any chronic illness, so anything other than the Band just did not make sense for me to Risk my good health. I did not choose the Band because I was self pay and it was cheap, I chose the band because it was Reversible and Adjustable. I just wanted a tool to help with my portion control and hunger. If I wanted more of a aggressive tool I would have chosen the Bypass in the first place.
Even with my old band not working IDEAL, due to so many fills and unfills, I still had a pretty good life with it and I don't regret it one minute. Honestly -- I like the EXCITEMENT OF FILLS, I like the fact that when I get a fill and my band is tighten up, it gives me control over my food and for ME, when my band is properly restricted, it gives me a high, and I get full quickly like Thanksgiving on so little food that is the most important thing I like about my band. I would not change to any other procedure.
If this board continues to be a "I hate the band, everyone will get their bands removed, I love my band to Sleeve revision and everyone should get the Sleeve board" I will not continue posting here LIKE SO MANY HAVE LEFT ALREADY. I people Like Jean and GrannyMec respect those who still have a lap band. They are not here constantly Shoving their Sleeve down everyone's throat. They are here to truly support those who have a band, newbies or those who are interested in the band.
I think I will start back posting on lapbandtalk for this very reason, since I am newly banded again and I want support and not constantly hear of how bad my tool is, it's very difficult to stay focused and on track with weight loss on a board where there is so much lap band negativity.
People come here because they want to keep track of their weight loss, scale victories, struggles, complications, et...JUST like Sleevers have a board for the same thing.
Everyone who have a Sleeve is NOT HAPPY with it, there are many as of late seeking revisions. So when people come here daily to spew poison about how bad the band is and how good the Sleeve is make people look suspicious and IF YOU ARE REALLY HAPPY with your Sleeve, and you are not grieving the loss of your band and not here to rain on the parade of those who still have a band -- then prove it, because ALL weight loss surgeries have 'ISSUES" and none are perfect, if the Sleeve was so perfect, people would not complain of awful nausea, heartburn and bile reflux, dumping syndrome, and stretched Sleeve....
I wish you continued Happiness with your Sleeve.
Original Lap Band * 9/30/2005 * 4cc 10cm band*, lost 130 pounds. 7 Great years!
Revision surgery to AP small lap band *11/13/2012*, due to large hiatal hernia. I am hopeful about continuing my band journey uneventful and successful. I loved what my old band did for me and I am looking forward for my new band to Keep my weight down