What are you eating today (Tuesday) or yesterday?
This is my last day off until Christmas. I'll be working 9-hour days, 6 days in a row. Ugh. Yesterday morning I had a lot of unhappy customers who were seeking gifts for fussy people. You know, like Mama wants lavender flannel PJ's with no lace trim and no flowers on the fabric, stripes would be best, in a size extra small, with a long fleece robe to match, with a zipper closure and pockets in the side seams. And we have nothing in lavender, but we do have pink plaid flannel PJ's, but with lace on the collar, in size small, and a long fleece robe in pink, with snap closure and no pockets....And so on and so forth....
Today's food plan:
B: protein latte
S: scrambled egg beaters w/ spinach, mushrooms & cheese
S: cinnamon oatmeal breakfast "cookie"
L: Morningstar Farms chik'n patty
S: baby carrots
S: Havarti cheese
D: pineapple teriyaki chicken, Brussels sprouts, sweet potato "noodles"
S: peanut butter banana chips
Today's workout: weight & resistance training class.
Have a super day!
Jean McMillan c.2009-2013 - Always a bandster at heart
author of Bandwagon (TM), Strategies for Success with the Adjustable Gastric Band & Bandwagon Cookery. Bandwagon for Kindle now available on Amazon. Read my blog at: jean-onthebandwagon.blogspot.com
I joke that any time off request during the holiday shopping season must be accompanied by your own death certificate.
Only that's not 100% a joke....
Jean McMillan c.2009-2013 - Always a bandster at heart
author of Bandwagon (TM), Strategies for Success with the Adjustable Gastric Band & Bandwagon Cookery. Bandwagon for Kindle now available on Amazon. Read my blog at: jean-onthebandwagon.blogspot.com
ROTF LMAO Jean!!! I so know what you mean!!! Only you called them "fussy" I was thinking something else.... ;-0
B-Oatmeal "cookies"
L-Bean burger w/ pickle slice (peel removed); tomato soup
S-Fage yogurt w/ strawberries
D-Turkey burger w/ pickle slice (peel removed), chickpea salad, steamed cauliflower and broccoli florets
S-Walnuts and 1/2 oz cheddar cheese
Water throughout the day
Fussy, finicky, maybe a few other words beginning with "f"....
Jean McMillan c.2009-2013 - Always a bandster at heart
author of Bandwagon (TM), Strategies for Success with the Adjustable Gastric Band & Bandwagon Cookery. Bandwagon for Kindle now available on Amazon. Read my blog at: jean-onthebandwagon.blogspot.com