Is anybody as pissed as I am that their bookmarks are gone?! I had alot of important things bookmarked and I can't get them now! My whole forums are gone, everything I marked about revision to VSG, all my recipes, every damn thing I wanted to keep is GONE. When I try to go where they say to get them it doesn't work. This is about the end of OH for me, they've f'ed up this site so bad there really isn't anything worth keeping me here anymore! I think I'm done!!!!!
2. The "Bookmark" section is the least utilized area in the current header navigation. To make site navigation more relevant and useful to members, we have removed the Bookmarking system. If you are interested in being able to download your bookmarks, please send us an email at [email protected] by August 31, 2012.
How hard could it possibly have been to keep bookmarks going???
How hard could it possibly have been to keep bookmarks going???
on 8/2/12 4:54 pm
on 8/2/12 4:54 pm
"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us." Stephen Covey
Don't litter! Spay or neuter your pet
I tried the link in the post but my computer won't let me go there. The very least they could have done was give us a few days notice so we could have arranged to transfer the info. I absolutely don't believe it is the least used, I know many many others who use it all the time. They are such putzes or putzi whatever the correct usage of plural putz is!