To fill or not too fill
Hi, I never thought I would be one to ask this question being that it gets asked probably every few days. But that's my basic question, do you think a fill would help???? I will give you lots of backgound so you know my concerns. I am basically 2 years out and lost around 130, plus or minus some here and there. I recently completed plastic surgery and look and feel great. BUT I am struggling to keep my weight loss. It started creeping back on when I went on vacation for a week, and I keep making really bad choices when it comes to eating. Luckily I do like to work out, but I was 160 going into PS and now am 173 (plus I probably should weigh less since he removed tons of skin and fat) Okay, I have a 10cc band filled I 6cc. I have lots of restriction in the morning. I have to really watch it and go slow in the morning. But afternoon and evenings I can eat anything. Pasta, bread, meat, really I the only thing I stay away from that disagree is French fries. If I eat starchy items I just eat low and it's fine. I can alo eat full size meals. I lost all my weight basically by dieting, I'm sure the band helped but it was more willpower. But I am struggling to get the willpowerer back. A question for you: if I got a fill would I have even MORE restriction in the mornings too? I really want more restriction in the afternoon and evenings but I wonder if it will make me too tight in the mornings? (btw I'm okay drinking green smoothies for breakfast if I need too) Heres a little side note as for the cons-my drs office is almost 3 hours away. AND I went to 1800getthin people and have since realized they are scamming my insurance. I was trying to not go back to them because I don't agree with there practices. But, I am thinking I might need boost with my band. Ps I ave gotten stuck in the past, but it's usually once in a blue moon.thanks in advance
I will start out by saying that I a stool new, but...
If you are already tight in the morning, I would not jeopardize making that worse. I would go back to the basics, log, measure your food and exercise so that you hold yourself accountable and really see and know what you are doing.
I could essentially eat anything I want too, but am sticking to the rules for me and the betterment of my life.
You can do. Do you need to go back to a support group or see a NUT for more advice, support or motivation?
I am sure there are many others here that can offer you advice too.
Also, with the distance you have to travel for a fill, I would be worried about being too tight with another fill based on what you said.
If you are already tight in the morning, I would not jeopardize making that worse. I would go back to the basics, log, measure your food and exercise so that you hold yourself accountable and really see and know what you are doing.
I could essentially eat anything I want too, but am sticking to the rules for me and the betterment of my life.
You can do. Do you need to go back to a support group or see a NUT for more advice, support or motivation?
I am sure there are many others here that can offer you advice too.
Also, with the distance you have to travel for a fill, I would be worried about being too tight with another fill based on what you said.
Yes, it will make you tighter in the am too. I was where you are and added more. I didn't lose just made worst choices. I had 6.25 and just had 1cc taken OUT. I am able to make better food choices and started to lose a little.
With what is going on you need to do as PP said, journal and make better food choices.
With what is going on you need to do as PP said, journal and make better food choices.
Thanks, you guys are right. I was secretly hoping I would get a couple responses saying I should get a fill. I was hoping the restriction I have in the morning would stay the same, but wanted to tighten up a bit for the rest of the day. Wishful thinking I guess. I'm just going to have to go back to basics and if takes forever to get back to goal, oh well as long as I get there.
Sorry, this is the worst part of the band for me. It reinforces my bad habit of not eating in am and over eating in the pm. I now CAN"T eat in the am. I can eat some in the afternoon. I'm wide open in the evening when I always over ate. Now I am starving in the pm from not eating all day. It still takes major will power to stay away from bad food.
This is exactly my problem too! I have no problem early in the day, simply because I don't feel hungry and even if I am, I can't get much of anything down, but then I make up for it in the evenings. I was thinking of getting a fill as well but I'm afraid it'll be too tight, especially during my period and in the mornings. But I really feel like I need some help! This isn't working for me. I'm doing weigh****chers and keep going up and down. I'm so tempted to get a slight fill and just drink protein drinks in the morning until I get some of what I've gained back off!
Anybody have any suggestions?
Anybody have any suggestions?
I think the fill question is the hardest part of this wlp. A friend once said, starve to lose and diet to maintain. And I think she's right. The evenings are the hardest time for me too. I am going to start walking in the evening just to get me out of the house and away from the fridge. I agree with the other post, write it all down, journal with how you are feeling and see how it goes first before the fill. I actually did protein drinks for 1 full day and it helped me get back on track.

What Stephanie said.
I kept adding with the doc's blessing thinking I just need a "little" fill. I ended up with issues and a total unfill.
Than started over agian. I was at 6.25 in a 10 and just goat an UNFILL to 5.25. Now I can eat more but I can eat better. Dense protien and salad and DRINK water like a normal person.
I kept adding with the doc's blessing thinking I just need a "little" fill. I ended up with issues and a total unfill.
Than started over agian. I was at 6.25 in a 10 and just goat an UNFILL to 5.25. Now I can eat more but I can eat better. Dense protien and salad and DRINK water like a normal person.
Update, I got a fill. Here's what happened. I was prepared for just getting back on track. I ate everything I could think of last night, just to get it out of my system. I was prepared to got to the gym, eat a healthy breakfast and go to work which would have all been overtime hours. It ended that they didn't need me at work:( It changed my mood, I was looking forward to a big paycheck. So I blame my mood for making me not go to the gym, instead got a large Carmel freeze coffee and lemon cake for breakfast. I then got frustrated with myself an doubting that I can do it. So I called the office and made a appointment. It was a 3 hour drive. When I got their I told the Dr I was tight in the am but no restriction the rest of the day. I was surprised when he suggested I ont get a fill (I never had this Dr before and the few times I had fills before the Drs were always pressuring me to go with a larger fill) he said it possibly sounded like a dilated pouch?(I think that's what he said) but I don't think I do, I have been tight in the mornings it seems like forever, I just think its me. He did say if we decided on a fill we should only do 1/4 or 1/2 cc. I really had my heart set since I drove 3 hours and decided to go with just 1/4 cc. He removed my fluid to see how much I had and then added 1/4 so now I have 61/4 in a 10 band. I am hoping that just the tiny bit will make a difference. I want my band to keep me away from bread, pasta ect... I love eating out!!!! But I don't really like eating out in the am because I am tight. It just takes so long to eat and it's a chore. So I am hoping I can get that same restriction at night too so I won't eat out 7 days a week. Even if my fill doesn't change anything since it was such a small fill, I am hoping the mere threat of getting stuck the next few weeks will get me back on track. I will keep you posted as the next couple weeks go on.