Posts must comply with our TOS so all members can enjoy this board
Dear Members,
Personal attacks are not allowed pursuant to our Terms Of Services. Personal attacks include, but are not limited to, name-calling, being hateful, threatening, harassing, insulting, malicious or attacking a member personally rather than challenging a member's views or position in an appropriate and respectful way. Please keep comments on the subject, not on the person.
Repeated violations of our TOS will not be allowed.
A portion of TOS pertaining to posting is:
"Posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite anger, useless arguments or rants, or for launching personal attacks and insults, being hateful, giving useless criticism, name calling and using profanity is cause for immediate moderation. ObesityHelp reserves the right to edit posts that may violate the terms of service herein. Moderation of an account, post removal and thread removal decisions are at the sole discretion of ObesityHelp."
We appreciate your anticipated cooperation as an ObesityHelp member.
Thank you, Member Services
Personal attacks are not allowed pursuant to our Terms Of Services. Personal attacks include, but are not limited to, name-calling, being hateful, threatening, harassing, insulting, malicious or attacking a member personally rather than challenging a member's views or position in an appropriate and respectful way. Please keep comments on the subject, not on the person.
Repeated violations of our TOS will not be allowed.
A portion of TOS pertaining to posting is:
"Posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite anger, useless arguments or rants, or for launching personal attacks and insults, being hateful, giving useless criticism, name calling and using profanity is cause for immediate moderation. ObesityHelp reserves the right to edit posts that may violate the terms of service herein. Moderation of an account, post removal and thread removal decisions are at the sole discretion of ObesityHelp."
We appreciate your anticipated cooperation as an ObesityHelp member.
Thank you, Member Services