6 Year Banniversary
Well who would have thought that 6 years ago today I’d be getting something
called a “lapband".
I had done all my research; talk to the doctors several times prior to my
surgery. I joined Canadian Lapbanders and asked a ton of questions I was in
the Lapbandtalk.com chat room every night for two months prior to surgery and I
even spoke with two patients on the phone and asked even more questions prior to surgery. I was ready to begin my lapband journey.
I can remember right after the surgery I said “What have I done myself". I thought I was going to die from the left shoulder pain I was experiencing.
The fourth day past and going into the fifth day I was starting to feel
“normal" but little did I realize that from that day on my life, in
particular the way looked at food would change.
I kept my food journal everyday for the first four months. I wrote down
everything. Every Monday morning I would sit and re-read the information Dr. Yau gave me. I studied the menu plans I was given like I was getting ready for an
exam. I studied the notes I took from Kathy P. and Belina and thought if they can do it so can I.
Every month when I went to my family doctor for my monthly weigh-in and
measurements I took my folder with all my lapband info in it along with my food
journals for the past month and I would review my journals with my family doctor and then he would take out the measuring tape and then I would get weighed.
The lapband journey for me was like doing a puzzle. There are many pieces that
would eventually come together and form my new lapband lifestyle.
Things that have helped me work on my new puzzle.
- I listened to the doctor and clinic staff
- I reviewed the information folder given to me by the clinic on regular basis
(weekly while on the various food stages) and then twice a month
- So many people that get banded today get their binder and they read through it just after surgery and then put it on the self to collect dust.
- I kept my food journal for 4 months without fail
- I stopped eating large meals past 7:00 p.m. and now just have an evening
snack on occasion. The only exception to my rule is on Friday night when I
usually go out for dinner
Even before my journey started I started looking for support. I read
everything I could find online, read EVERY post on Canadian Lapbanders and asked many questions.
Support. Since being banded the word support has never been so important to
me. The lapband journey is a unique experience and if the people around you are
not banded they try to understand what you’re going through but they really
don’t get it. I know the reason I was so successful is because of the support
of fellow bandsters. I went to the support group meetings at the clinic,
attended the special seminars offered and I was always in the chat room. Over
the years I’ve talked on the phone to bandsters from all over, Canada, US and
even the UK.
Fast forward to today and I still say that support from fellow bandsters is
the key for me in maintaining my weight and I still have my monthly weigh-in
with my family doctor. Friends that are not banded laugh at me because I take
the GO train all over the place just to meet a group of people for coffee. Yes,
it’s an expensive cup of coffee but I enjoy connecting with my fellow bandsters as
they start their new journey or watch them reach their goal and it’s great to
share lapband stories with individuals that are looking into this new lifestyle
People ask me if I think about my lapband everyday… I do (usually when it
gurgles) but it has become a part of me. I still enjoy all the foods I did in
the past (with two exceptions and NO CARBONATED BEVERAGES) but I never feel like I’m missing out on certain foods or social gatherings because I have the band.
To my fellow bandsters thank you so much for being there for me at the various
stages throughout my journey. Yes I may be crazy to travel just about anywhere
to meet fellow bandsters for coffee but again I get so much out of this unique
support group and it keeps me on track. My arm may hurt from holding the phone for too long after speaking to a fellow bandster from Calgary for over an hour on the phone but I don’t mind.
To my clinic and in particular Dr. Yau, Kathy and Nancy and in recent years
Arlene a special thank you for giving me the tools to use along the way to be
successful. Dr. Yau the egg timer trick really did work !!!
I’m not sure the lapband puzzle will ever be complete. I know I will
continue to add pieces to it for years to come.
On a final note thank you to everyone for there well wishes for the past several months. It’s been rough couple of months but I’m doing well.
Tom, Toronto
Banded July 6 06
Wt. Loss: 156 lbs
Happened to look in and saw this! Happy sixth.
Great, isn't it! All three of us six years out and happy! So nice to see!
Highest 290, Banded - 248 Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.
Happily banded since May 2006. Regain of 28lbs 2013-14. ALL GONE!
But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,
on 7/6/12 2:17 am - Califreakinfornia , CA

P.S. What is the egg timer tip ? I'm guessing it's a bite timing/swallowing aid ???
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