Quick product review Click Espresso Protein
OMFG! Nom nom nom!
It ain't cheap ($25 a cannister) but good Lord, I have a new dark master to worship!
I usually dislike shakes mixed with water because they taste like crap, but since it was the first time I tried this - after hearing RAVE reviews - I made it per the directions. 12-14 ounces of water, 2 scoops of Click, shake well.
Didn't need a blender or mixer; it mixed lump-free in about 10 shakes. Rich, chocolate flavor with a face-punch of strong coffee flavor (each serving contains a double-shot of espresso.) It's a lot like a Starbucks frozen drink but cheaper and right there in my kitchen. In a blender with ice - it will be out of this world.

It ain't cheap ($25 a cannister) but good Lord, I have a new dark master to worship!

I usually dislike shakes mixed with water because they taste like crap, but since it was the first time I tried this - after hearing RAVE reviews - I made it per the directions. 12-14 ounces of water, 2 scoops of Click, shake well.
Didn't need a blender or mixer; it mixed lump-free in about 10 shakes. Rich, chocolate flavor with a face-punch of strong coffee flavor (each serving contains a double-shot of espresso.) It's a lot like a Starbucks frozen drink but cheaper and right there in my kitchen. In a blender with ice - it will be out of this world.

I hope this is the magic one! Where did you purchase? Is there any after taste even a little? I wish you could get samples of protein powder before we have to purchase a whole can. I was hook on Mc D Frappes the worst thing they could have come out with. I replaced my double cheeseburger days with my Frappe days (band friendly) no wonder I only lost 80 lbs so far and need another 50 to 70 pound lost. I am back on track now just need the magic protein drink.

My only trouble with this while I was losing was the carbs, not enough protean to justify that amount of carbs, now in maintenance I use it pretty freely in the mornings. Although my new obsession is Caramel Toffee Fudge from Optimum Nutrition with two tablespoons (yeah, I said tablespoons, I have 5 kids) of instant coffee, mixed with almond milk.
Hi, If anyone wants to try this product the website will be post below: Right now you can get one sample free when you buy one and type BOGO in the coupon code. It cost me $5.90 that includes shipping to try this product. Did not get yet so can tell you how it taste:)