Tender spot at port site??

on 5/5/12 4:24 am
 Hello everyone... It's been along time since I've been on the forum. Glad to be back. Wonder if anyone has tenderness at port site? Or able to feel anything hard under the left  rib cage area? I have alot of scary things going on. At least I feel they are scary. Like gas and burping seems like all of the time. Went to the doc and he removed some fluid but I think I'm all worked up  and looking for any right now.  I'm terrified of the thought of my band every having to come out. I don't have the nicest doctor you know. :(

on 5/6/12 10:44 am
I have pain at my port site off and on I have spoken to my doc about it and he said sometimes it can be caused by resdiual blood if doing excercise sits ups etc it can all cause it
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