Getting stuck on liquids now after a year no fills, can't see a DR??
Hey Lap Bandees and Everyone!
Its been forever since I had a fill/unfill and even longer since I posted. To make a long story short, I lost my job and insurance (yay economy!) and haven't been able to see the dr. Right before I lost my job, I was able to get an unfill and everything has been smooth til now. I haven't lost any weight, because it feels like I am not filled at all, but without insurance, I haven't been able to get a fill. Some food would still get stuck every so often, but it was never an issue til recently.
About a month ago I started getting stuck more frequently. I switched to clear liquids and mooshies, and some days I was able to eat, some days not much. I recently got added back to my mom's insurance (I am a student) but I am waiting for the insurance to complete the preauthorization paperwork before I can see my dr. They won't see me til that is done unless I want to have a huge dr bill which at the moment I really can't afford.
So back to my condition...The past week has been hell. Mashed potatoes and other mooshy foods are getting stuck, so I went back to protein shakes. This morning at around noon I had a protein shake. I haven't had anything else today and now (9pm) I am burping up the protein shake and I feel totally nauseaus. Has anyone else had a situation like this? What can I do until my dr can see me? I'm STARVING and have no energy. I just want to eat something...It is driving me crazy!!
Its been forever since I had a fill/unfill and even longer since I posted. To make a long story short, I lost my job and insurance (yay economy!) and haven't been able to see the dr. Right before I lost my job, I was able to get an unfill and everything has been smooth til now. I haven't lost any weight, because it feels like I am not filled at all, but without insurance, I haven't been able to get a fill. Some food would still get stuck every so often, but it was never an issue til recently.
About a month ago I started getting stuck more frequently. I switched to clear liquids and mooshies, and some days I was able to eat, some days not much. I recently got added back to my mom's insurance (I am a student) but I am waiting for the insurance to complete the preauthorization paperwork before I can see my dr. They won't see me til that is done unless I want to have a huge dr bill which at the moment I really can't afford.
So back to my condition...The past week has been hell. Mashed potatoes and other mooshy foods are getting stuck, so I went back to protein shakes. This morning at around noon I had a protein shake. I haven't had anything else today and now (9pm) I am burping up the protein shake and I feel totally nauseaus. Has anyone else had a situation like this? What can I do until my dr can see me? I'm STARVING and have no energy. I just want to eat something...It is driving me crazy!!
I'd get in to see a medical professional as soon as possible. The ER, if need be. You might have a band slip if you can't even get protein shakes to work for you. My band twisted my stomach and caused any and all things I ate or drank to come straight back up. DON'T WAIT to get checked. You don't want the kinds of damage that comes with this.
Hope you can get some help and feel better soon.
Hope you can get some help and feel better soon.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
Well I spoke with my on call dr for my surgeon and she said that there is a way to override the prior authorization in case of emergency, so monday I am going in to have them take a look. Til then, jus****er and broth and if any blood comes up to go to the clinic immediately. I guess its better than nothing. I'll keep everyone updated. Thanks for the responses!
I went through this a couple of weeks ago. I have not had a fill/unfill since August of last year and things have been going fine. I moved from New York state to Florida in September. I have no health insurance here and noone will see me. I have been looking or a baiatric doctor heree since September and I get the same thing from them all. They will only take me at $500 per visit and I still will not be there patient. I started feeling very tight about a month ago and finally could not get anything down - not even water. I ended up goingto the ER and after being there for 11 hours, finally a bariatric surgeon came in and emptied my band. I explained to him what was going on and he told me that his office would be happy to take me as a patient and they would bill me at $100 per month. I thought great. I can handle that since I do not go often anymore anyways. I showed up for my appointment the other day and it was the same old story. $500 for the visit up front - no exceptions. I hate it here and we are trying to get back home.