Need to give band another chance
On February 7, 2012 at 2:01 PM Pacific Time, LauraP0909 wrote:
Hi Michele! My name is Laura. My surgery was Jan 17th and I am one pound away from 30lbs :) I just read your post and seen that you wrote that "you don't have the restriction". Can't you have an adjustment? I will be getting my first adjustment in a few weeks. Hi Teresa,
I'm so glad you haven't given up on losing the weight. This is a life long journey that never ends. I'm so we have the band that is ready to aid in our weight lose efforts no matter when we want to start again. I recently gained 20 lbs, but I've lost it. Now I'm on a quest to lose about 30 more lbs in order to reach my goal. I know I'm never going to give up on me, because I'm way too important for that and so are you:)
I'm so glad you haven't given up on losing the weight. This is a life long journey that never ends. I'm so we have the band that is ready to aid in our weight lose efforts no matter when we want to start again. I recently gained 20 lbs, but I've lost it. Now I'm on a quest to lose about 30 more lbs in order to reach my goal. I know I'm never going to give up on me, because I'm way too important for that and so are you:)