Leaving - do your research
You know my plan was to just "go away" and not deactivate, but now I'm deactivating. I got an email that there were responses and yours stuck with me so I'm responding.
I know you'd like to believe that's the case, I did too when all was going well.
I exercise all the time. I do 30 minutes of yoga every day, I do 3 Zumba classes a week, plus I wear a pedometer to ensure I get over 11,000 steps a day. I park far from the door, I take the stairs.
As for "abusing my band" - far from it. I had over 25 fills and unfills to ensure I wasn't over or under filled. When my band slipped, all of my fluid had been removed for some time.
I have not had a soda, ate anything larger than a die, or drank with my meals for the last 5 years. My physician said that I'm the "perfect patient" and I am.
It's REALLY easy to think that you're a rockstar and your band is the best when it's working. For the first few months I thought so too. But look at the studies. It's only a matter of time before it fails you too. Sorry if you don't like the truth, but that IS the sad reality.
Now, I'm not wishing that on you. I hope you spend the rest of your life enjoying your band. But you HAVE to understand that you are the exception - not the norm. Not even close.
AND I went to a Center of Excellence to get my band done in case you are questioning my physician choice as well.
This is one of the reasons why I'm leaving. You make pre-ops believe that everything is sunshine and lollipops - but it isn't.
At least with the DS, the Sleeve and the RNY you understand the risks. You don't go in deluded that this is less invasive. Tell that to all of the eroded stomachs and damaged esophagus' out there.
Oh, and one final thing for your "less invasive" delusion - the surgeon who I see won't do bands anymore. He's taken too many of them out and sees the "nightmarish damage" that they do. This surgeon is at an Ivy League teaching hospital. He said that adhesions grow around the band and sometimes become vascularized. He said there is a chance when they are attempted to be removed that they can do serious damage or he has to just disconnect the port and leave it in because it's too dangerous to remove
Yeah, that's much less invasive.
See any of you who think with their heads and not their deluded fantasies on the other board.
If you have a band, God Bless. I hope it continues to work well for you. If not, seek a revision with a highly skilled surgeon who does ALL the surgeries.
If you don't have one, don't get one. Wouldn't wi**** on my worst enemy.
I know you'd like to believe that's the case, I did too when all was going well.
I exercise all the time. I do 30 minutes of yoga every day, I do 3 Zumba classes a week, plus I wear a pedometer to ensure I get over 11,000 steps a day. I park far from the door, I take the stairs.
As for "abusing my band" - far from it. I had over 25 fills and unfills to ensure I wasn't over or under filled. When my band slipped, all of my fluid had been removed for some time.
I have not had a soda, ate anything larger than a die, or drank with my meals for the last 5 years. My physician said that I'm the "perfect patient" and I am.
It's REALLY easy to think that you're a rockstar and your band is the best when it's working. For the first few months I thought so too. But look at the studies. It's only a matter of time before it fails you too. Sorry if you don't like the truth, but that IS the sad reality.
Now, I'm not wishing that on you. I hope you spend the rest of your life enjoying your band. But you HAVE to understand that you are the exception - not the norm. Not even close.
AND I went to a Center of Excellence to get my band done in case you are questioning my physician choice as well.
This is one of the reasons why I'm leaving. You make pre-ops believe that everything is sunshine and lollipops - but it isn't.
At least with the DS, the Sleeve and the RNY you understand the risks. You don't go in deluded that this is less invasive. Tell that to all of the eroded stomachs and damaged esophagus' out there.
Oh, and one final thing for your "less invasive" delusion - the surgeon who I see won't do bands anymore. He's taken too many of them out and sees the "nightmarish damage" that they do. This surgeon is at an Ivy League teaching hospital. He said that adhesions grow around the band and sometimes become vascularized. He said there is a chance when they are attempted to be removed that they can do serious damage or he has to just disconnect the port and leave it in because it's too dangerous to remove
Yeah, that's much less invasive.
See any of you who think with their heads and not their deluded fantasies on the other board.
If you have a band, God Bless. I hope it continues to work well for you. If not, seek a revision with a highly skilled surgeon who does ALL the surgeries.
If you don't have one, don't get one. Wouldn't wi**** on my worst enemy.
Good luck to you.
My guess? She'll be back.
There are a half dozen women that have an ax to grind against the band, and there is no where better for them to grind it than here. Those that come on nd say that they all fail and they are all disasters waiting to happen are bitter, and rightfully so. They had bad luck, a bad surgeon, or mistreated their band because they didn't get a grip on their food addiction before surgery.
Not saying that they don't have a right to tell their story, and if it makes them feel better, then what ever works, I guess. It's good for people to go into something of this magnitude with their eyes wide open.
The fact is that it works well for the majority of the people that get it, great for some that work very hard, and for some it totally sucks. Just like all the other WLS's.
My guess? She'll be back.
There are a half dozen women that have an ax to grind against the band, and there is no where better for them to grind it than here. Those that come on nd say that they all fail and they are all disasters waiting to happen are bitter, and rightfully so. They had bad luck, a bad surgeon, or mistreated their band because they didn't get a grip on their food addiction before surgery.
Not saying that they don't have a right to tell their story, and if it makes them feel better, then what ever works, I guess. It's good for people to go into something of this magnitude with their eyes wide open.
The fact is that it works well for the majority of the people that get it, great for some that work very hard, and for some it totally sucks. Just like all the other WLS's.
http://abcnews.go.com/Health/Wellness/lap-band-surgery-half- patients-complications/story?id=13187452
MOST people do NOT do well with the lapband. I've heard newbies saying that for years, though. It's not true... and I've seen it with my own eyes for 9 years now. Everyone who goes into lapband surgery thinks that it's going to be the solution... and all the evidence points to the contrary. Most of us end up permanently damaged. The luckier ones are still able to revise to another form of surgery.
I do have an axe to grind with the band. I think it's a ridiculously heinous device that nearly killed me. And that's why I am vocal about it. It's a terrible long term plan with a great advertising strategy.
MOST people do NOT do well with the lapband. I've heard newbies saying that for years, though. It's not true... and I've seen it with my own eyes for 9 years now. Everyone who goes into lapband surgery thinks that it's going to be the solution... and all the evidence points to the contrary. Most of us end up permanently damaged. The luckier ones are still able to revise to another form of surgery.
I do have an axe to grind with the band. I think it's a ridiculously heinous device that nearly killed me. And that's why I am vocal about it. It's a terrible long term plan with a great advertising strategy.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
(deactivated member)
on 1/29/12 5:04 am
on 1/29/12 5:04 am
My guess? She'll be back.
There are a half dozen women that have an ax to grind against the band, and there is no where better for them to grind it than here. Those that come on nd say that they all fail and they are all disasters waiting to happen are bitter, and rightfully so. They had bad luck, a bad surgeon, or mistreated their band because they didn't get a grip on their food addiction before surgery.
having bad luck is about an insensitive comment i've read in a very long time - no it's downright ****ty.
no ax to grind. just a decent sounding board to those who DIDN'T abuse a thing, great dr - but just had ****ty luck.
my band worked - got to goal & more, then it decided it no longer liked me.
i truly hope your bedside manner to your patients is a bit more respectful - i find you distasteful & that's the nicest thing i can drum up.
There are a half dozen women that have an ax to grind against the band, and there is no where better for them to grind it than here. Those that come on nd say that they all fail and they are all disasters waiting to happen are bitter, and rightfully so. They had bad luck, a bad surgeon, or mistreated their band because they didn't get a grip on their food addiction before surgery.
having bad luck is about an insensitive comment i've read in a very long time - no it's downright ****ty.
no ax to grind. just a decent sounding board to those who DIDN'T abuse a thing, great dr - but just had ****ty luck.
my band worked - got to goal & more, then it decided it no longer liked me.
i truly hope your bedside manner to your patients is a bit more respectful - i find you distasteful & that's the nicest thing i can drum up.
And one more thing - you are 6 months in. Still in the honeymoon phase. Talk to me in 5 years.
And, you can look me up, I have not come on here to bash the band in the past. I spent little time on this band board, most on the others searching for information regarding a revision. But if someone posted blatant lies, I corrected them.
Go to PubMed and research your Band. Look at the studies. It is a clinically proven fact that it does not work well for the "majority of the people". It is the least effective surgical intervention with less than half of the people hitting their goal weight and fewer still maintaining it. Not an ax grinding, just a clinical fact.
Do your homework, it's easy enough to get the data.
And, you can look me up, I have not come on here to bash the band in the past. I spent little time on this band board, most on the others searching for information regarding a revision. But if someone posted blatant lies, I corrected them.
Go to PubMed and research your Band. Look at the studies. It is a clinically proven fact that it does not work well for the "majority of the people". It is the least effective surgical intervention with less than half of the people hitting their goal weight and fewer still maintaining it. Not an ax grinding, just a clinical fact.
Do your homework, it's easy enough to get the data.
Adjustable Gastric Band on 11/10/11
I am sorry that your band did not work out. My weight loss has been slow so far, I am hoping that further fills will help this. Sometimes I wonder if another surgery would have been better, idk. I have lost 48 lbs so far, so I am happy about that. I hope that things work out for you. Michelle.
I am one of those people that read the post but I didn't know what to say. I will say, I was banded 12/22/2010 and did not follow the rules and only lost about 20 lbs in a year. Additionally, the surgeon and nurse had difficultly locating my port for fills - so, I had **** poor attitude. I struggled for a year because of ME not anyone else. I still have no idea if I'll ever get another fill, it was brutal last time. All that being said, I knew my success began and will end with me (unless something unforeseen happens). My 72 year old mother got the RNY in June 2011, she is dropping weight like crazy - watching her made me think. Beginning around Christmas I decided I needed to make a change, one year out and only a 20 lbs loss. Since the beginning of the2012 I have lost several pounds.
Now, let me add - I was pissed at the band (not related to the fills) because I was watching EVERYONE who had the sleeve or rny lose weight and I was not. I was not exercising or eating right - I ate slider foods and sat on my can. I even consulted with a doctor to have a revision to the sleeve. And, got mad when my insurance company said I would have to wait two years from the band surgeon to have the revision. I needed to change my attitude! I hated the band for no reason whatsoever!
This post is not to minimize anyone else's struggles or negate anyone's real experiences - I just wanted to put a different light on the situation. It was not my band (although you would not have been able to tell me that months ago) it was me.
Now, let me add - I was pissed at the band (not related to the fills) because I was watching EVERYONE who had the sleeve or rny lose weight and I was not. I was not exercising or eating right - I ate slider foods and sat on my can. I even consulted with a doctor to have a revision to the sleeve. And, got mad when my insurance company said I would have to wait two years from the band surgeon to have the revision. I needed to change my attitude! I hated the band for no reason whatsoever!
This post is not to minimize anyone else's struggles or negate anyone's real experiences - I just wanted to put a different light on the situation. It was not my band (although you would not have been able to tell me that months ago) it was me.
Not sure if the original poster is reading this post but I am pretty sure other's may glance at this thread.
My heart goes out to all those who put so much hope into the Lap Band and it didn't work. Expectations were there, the Band didn't meet those expectations. Whether we go into the why's or how's of it is irrelevant. I'd like to believe that this board is stock full of pretty smart men and women who know deep in their hearts why it didn't work. If it was because they didnt work it, oh well. If it was because it was flawed, oh well. In either case the Band did not meet their expectations. That SUCKS!
Is the Band destined to fail on all that get it? Heck, who knows? I have seen people get knee replacement surgery and the "fake" material from the new knee causes infection, the screws cause infection, they die from the actual surgery. I am allergic to latex. If a dentist uses latex while working on my mouth I swell up like a blow fish. My sister and brother's aren't allergic to latex so their faces don't blow up. Stupid comparison, possibly. But as other posters have said, what works for one won't work for another.
Would I have loved to have a surgery where I lost faster, made my goal more quickly, didn't have to really diet to achieve results? Hell yeah. But for the life of me, even knowing what I knew before the surgery and knowing what I know now, I could NOT wrap my mind around getting surgery that cut into my stomach. I just couldn't. Even knowing that the band could cause problems, and being petrified that it might happen, I still can't get there in my mind.
We all choose what is right for us, and we also take those risks associated with those choices. The unknown is just that. If everyone that went into any WLS looked at the fact that it was doomed, nobody would do this. We take our chances, such is life. Is there more evidence to support that the band does in fact NOT work with many? Sure. But there are those who have had success, long term. Did they beat the odds? Perhaps. But maybe they don't care what it's called, they consider themselves a success.
As for those who the band didn't work for not getting support here, I don't see that. I honestly see a lot of people who feel a great deal of sympathy for those that didn't have a good run with this. I see a lot of people praying for their health and eventual success with whatever revision they choose. We can't paint the entire forum with a paintbrush of a few people that don't have sympathy for those that didn't have a good experience, it's just not fair.
To the Bandster that left, I'm sorry to see you go. Having been in an environment that you counted on for support since 2004 makes it difficult to leave. I hope you find the support you are seeking elsewhere.
My heart goes out to all those who put so much hope into the Lap Band and it didn't work. Expectations were there, the Band didn't meet those expectations. Whether we go into the why's or how's of it is irrelevant. I'd like to believe that this board is stock full of pretty smart men and women who know deep in their hearts why it didn't work. If it was because they didnt work it, oh well. If it was because it was flawed, oh well. In either case the Band did not meet their expectations. That SUCKS!
Is the Band destined to fail on all that get it? Heck, who knows? I have seen people get knee replacement surgery and the "fake" material from the new knee causes infection, the screws cause infection, they die from the actual surgery. I am allergic to latex. If a dentist uses latex while working on my mouth I swell up like a blow fish. My sister and brother's aren't allergic to latex so their faces don't blow up. Stupid comparison, possibly. But as other posters have said, what works for one won't work for another.
Would I have loved to have a surgery where I lost faster, made my goal more quickly, didn't have to really diet to achieve results? Hell yeah. But for the life of me, even knowing what I knew before the surgery and knowing what I know now, I could NOT wrap my mind around getting surgery that cut into my stomach. I just couldn't. Even knowing that the band could cause problems, and being petrified that it might happen, I still can't get there in my mind.
We all choose what is right for us, and we also take those risks associated with those choices. The unknown is just that. If everyone that went into any WLS looked at the fact that it was doomed, nobody would do this. We take our chances, such is life. Is there more evidence to support that the band does in fact NOT work with many? Sure. But there are those who have had success, long term. Did they beat the odds? Perhaps. But maybe they don't care what it's called, they consider themselves a success.
As for those who the band didn't work for not getting support here, I don't see that. I honestly see a lot of people who feel a great deal of sympathy for those that didn't have a good run with this. I see a lot of people praying for their health and eventual success with whatever revision they choose. We can't paint the entire forum with a paintbrush of a few people that don't have sympathy for those that didn't have a good experience, it's just not fair.
To the Bandster that left, I'm sorry to see you go. Having been in an environment that you counted on for support since 2004 makes it difficult to leave. I hope you find the support you are seeking elsewhere.