How to tell?? Too tight??
I know everyone is different as the level of restriction is as well, but I had a fill recently and I am trying to gage if I am too tight. And if you have ever been too tight and had an unfill how was the outcome? I can eat soft foods, yogurt, oatmeal, soup, well cooked soft veggies, scrambled egg. I am afraid to try anything more solid than this because it makes me PB. I am purposly taking it easy because I do not want to damage my band but I am missing real food especially salad!!! Any advice?
If you're PBing when you eat solids, your band is probably too tight, Amy. You might not ever be able to tolerate salads while banded, honestly. A lot of people can't. Certain foods just don't work with the band.
I personally think you're better off having your band on the loose side. Save your tummy and esophagus from being damaged. Although, if your fill was recent, you might just be still swollen. It's when you get to a point where you have trouble with soft foods and liquids that you should really panic.
Good luck to you. I hope you can get to the right spot.
I personally think you're better off having your band on the loose side. Save your tummy and esophagus from being damaged. Although, if your fill was recent, you might just be still swollen. It's when you get to a point where you have trouble with soft foods and liquids that you should really panic.
Good luck to you. I hope you can get to the right spot.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
Prior to this fill I was able to eat small amounts of ANY type of food even salad, I hit a plateau so I thought I needed a fill. I can definately feel the restriction now as I didn't quite feel it before but I can not eat any of the things I could eat before. So I am thinking if a little saline was removed but perhaps not the entire fill it may put me where I need to be? Any thoughts please. I am still extremely pleased with my band down 65 lbs since May feel 100% better and ready for more. still have about 65 to go!
Thank you N.M. I called last week and it had only been about 5 days since the fill so I was told to stay on a soft diet for a few more days and try solid food again that perhaps like you had said I was still swollen and that could be part of the problem. So I have done this and today I managed some coffee and half a scrambled egg, but I feel satisfied. I don't know if perhaps I need to learn my new limits? I have a follow up appointment scheduled with the Surgeon so I will; discuss this with him then, untill then I will just try to trust my body and let the band guide me and try not to push the limits. I guess the entire experiance is about learning moderation. I just think that I may be on the leaner side of moderation at this point and I would like to go backwards just a little. The band is of no use to me if I can not provide my body with healthy enough foodslike vegetables and dense protein to build and fuel it.
(deactivated member)
on 1/21/12 2:05 am
on 1/21/12 2:05 am
If you can't eat solids you're too tight. PERIOD !!. It is not worth getting sick to loose weight. It is better to be fat and healthy than thin and sick. Remember how long it took you to gain the weight you are now trying to get rid of. You are eating slider foods, it will make you eat more because they go down easy. Think about it, if it hurts to eat you won't eat what is good for you.
I think of it this way..You have a toothache, instead of going to the dentist you are chewing your food on the other side of your mouth. Very short term solution :) Go get an unfill and eat real food :)
Good Luck
I think of it this way..You have a toothache, instead of going to the dentist you are chewing your food on the other side of your mouth. Very short term solution :) Go get an unfill and eat real food :)
Good Luck
I agree if you can't eat solid food you are too tight. I've been there and trust me a tight band causes more problems than you can imagine. Get a bit taken out. Just because we hit a plateau is not neccesarily a reason for a fill, sometimes our bodies just need a few weeks tom readjust before moving on to more loss. When you are stuck eating mushy foods you tend to get soft food syndrome where all you can eat are soft foods most of which are higher calories so we tend to gain rather than lose.