IF you had it to do AGAIN which would you do the LAPBAND OR RNY????

He who can't be Named
on 1/22/12 9:50 am
The band was a mistake for me. I wish I had just gotten a sleeve to begin with. If I needed mal-absorption, I would get the DS. Those are the top surgeries for restriction, or restriction with mal-absorption. I'm sick of failed surgeries, so will only get the best from now on.
Some times dingle berries are the lowest hanging fruit.  
learning more everyday
on 1/22/12 11:18 am
I would have sleeved. In the mean time I am going for a fill on Feb 7, and will work it until October 1. If I am still not happy it will COME OUT, and I WILL revise to sleeve.
on 1/22/12 1:07 pm
Lap band for me! It hasn't been an easy road but I'm happy where I'm at!
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