2 and 3+ yrs out. Need to hear from you.
I am almost 3 years out from my lap band sugery. Although I think this forum is great. There are alot of newbies are on here. (love you guys!)
I need some support and coversantions with those at least 2 yrs out or more. I'm having issues and need to talk with YOU. 2-3yrs or more out. Anyone want to chime in with issues and solutions to things, please respond. Thanks everyone!
I need some support and coversantions with those at least 2 yrs out or more. I'm having issues and need to talk with YOU. 2-3yrs or more out. Anyone want to chime in with issues and solutions to things, please respond. Thanks everyone!
Hi Easternshoregrl,
I had my lapband placed 7-29-09. The last two months I could actually make a Christmas song out of what i've been going through. Fill, unfill, fill, unfill. Not complete unfills. He will just take out 1/4 to 1/2 of what he puts in. I have tricare standard and the docs office is trying to get me a revision. I don't know if I will ever be approved for it, but I think the docs office feels a little sorry for me now. I have only lost about 30 pounds since the beginning stages of my surgery. I wear a 1x top and 16w-18w jeans. I go up and down like 5 pounds with my weight. I do feel a little better about myself since surgery. I am not a success story by any means. I really have no problems with the band except little things like, not sure if I have restriction and some noises that just seem to come out like a burp that I can't stop. That has happened at work. I regret not having the courage to have the bypass. I think for me that would have been the better choice. I was scared to have the bypass. I do like sweets and could do so much better. I do blame myself. The head game has always been a problem for me. I would love to hear your story!!!!
Thank you, Lori (Sun Prairie, WI)
I had my lapband placed 7-29-09. The last two months I could actually make a Christmas song out of what i've been going through. Fill, unfill, fill, unfill. Not complete unfills. He will just take out 1/4 to 1/2 of what he puts in. I have tricare standard and the docs office is trying to get me a revision. I don't know if I will ever be approved for it, but I think the docs office feels a little sorry for me now. I have only lost about 30 pounds since the beginning stages of my surgery. I wear a 1x top and 16w-18w jeans. I go up and down like 5 pounds with my weight. I do feel a little better about myself since surgery. I am not a success story by any means. I really have no problems with the band except little things like, not sure if I have restriction and some noises that just seem to come out like a burp that I can't stop. That has happened at work. I regret not having the courage to have the bypass. I think for me that would have been the better choice. I was scared to have the bypass. I do like sweets and could do so much better. I do blame myself. The head game has always been a problem for me. I would love to hear your story!!!!
Thank you, Lori (Sun Prairie, WI)
I thought I saw someone sitting in my boat with me.
I went from a 24 to a 16 (which is now getting tight)
I have gurgling/growling issues when something is potentially going to get stuck. Sometimes when that happens, I sit on the recliner and my stomach makes a noise and feels like a drain that was just unclogged and gurgles REALLY loud and you can feel the food rush through. Crazy....
My head is my issue and sweets go down easy. I have a getting stuck fear. I can't really do meat. I've been doing slider foods. I can eat SO MUCH of that but can't eat more than a bite of meat. I can do BOWLS of cereal, pasta with meat sauce, nachos, crackers and that so I don't know if I should get a fill because I can eat a great volume of food or get a small unifill so I can eat meat and protein. I am in a tailspin right now. I am going back to see my Surgeon on 1/16/2012.
I went from a 24 to a 16 (which is now getting tight)
I have gurgling/growling issues when something is potentially going to get stuck. Sometimes when that happens, I sit on the recliner and my stomach makes a noise and feels like a drain that was just unclogged and gurgles REALLY loud and you can feel the food rush through. Crazy....
My head is my issue and sweets go down easy. I have a getting stuck fear. I can't really do meat. I've been doing slider foods. I can eat SO MUCH of that but can't eat more than a bite of meat. I can do BOWLS of cereal, pasta with meat sauce, nachos, crackers and that so I don't know if I should get a fill because I can eat a great volume of food or get a small unifill so I can eat meat and protein. I am in a tailspin right now. I am going back to see my Surgeon on 1/16/2012.
I had my band out at 2 years. I should have had it out immediately, but I believed my horrible surgeon when he led me to believe it was my own fault. I now have ridiculous amounts of damage from the lapband. It's not uncommon at all to start developing issues or complications at around 2-3 years post op. I'm sorry you're having issues. Is there anything I can try to help you with?
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
I'm not having any medical issues with it so far. I just am at a point of not being sure whether to get another fill because I can eat alot, or get an small unfill so I can eat meat. I really appreciate the response. I just need to hear from those who have had the band and what they have gone through. I am sorry it didn't work out for you. What did your Dr say that would make it your fault? That's not right.
Get a small unfill. Hell, get a large unfill if you want. At this point, if you had the ability to eat eggs and bacon for breakfast and turkey for lunch and a steak for dinner and could say "no" to all the slider foods, you'd be doing yourself a favor. I know from personal experience cause I was too tight for a while and actually thought I needed to get a fill because "I could eat so much" but what I could eat so much of was all the wrong things. Getting .25cc removed allowed me to eat a hearty breakfast and changed everything for me. But you have got to be able to control the quantities and choose the right foods, obviously. I didn't want to answer cause I'm just about to reach 2 years but I've literally been where you're describing and I know what the answer is.
My doctor said to me, when I told him that I hadn't pooped in almost 2 weeks, that I hadn't eaten solid foods in 6 months and that I was in horrible, nonstop pain from morning until night, "You need to find a hobby." And that was the point at which I fired him and found a doctor in Chicago (which is about 3-4 hours worth of driving for me.) That doctor took one look at a fluoroscopy Xray and exclaimed, "What the f*ck did they DO to you?" So, that's when I found out that my first "doctor" was a complete hack. For 6 months, he told me that I was being a big baby, it was "in my head," and that I just needed a hobby.
Turned out that my stomach had twisted, I had a bowel obstruction, my intestines were kinked and I was about to kick the bucket. I'm glad I found a new doctor instead of just taking up knitting or something!
Turned out that my stomach had twisted, I had a bowel obstruction, my intestines were kinked and I was about to kick the bucket. I'm glad I found a new doctor instead of just taking up knitting or something!
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
Hey Easternshoregrl:
I am Jean my anniversary date is Jan. 20. I will be three years out. I have lost a total of 113lbs. I went from a size 22 to a size 10 I am 5"10 and a half. I have my band set at 6 and a half. I don't eat much at all but my mind set has changed so I don't have to. I listen to the band when it tellls me to stop I stop.
I have to tell you this has been a journey and I lost a lot other then weight along the way. I am still holding on to somethings that mean so much to me, however jealousy (from so called family and friends) seems to be my biggest hurdle. All those people who were discussed by me when I was big are know saying I forgot where I came from. My oldest daughter who is over weight can barely stand to look at me. My husband is driving me crazy with jealousy and insecurity. He is not overweight and is very handsome. I thought that we would become the power couple but instead I he just wants me to go back to being miserable.
Talk to me I hope we can get each other over this hump.
I am Jean my anniversary date is Jan. 20. I will be three years out. I have lost a total of 113lbs. I went from a size 22 to a size 10 I am 5"10 and a half. I have my band set at 6 and a half. I don't eat much at all but my mind set has changed so I don't have to. I listen to the band when it tellls me to stop I stop.
I have to tell you this has been a journey and I lost a lot other then weight along the way. I am still holding on to somethings that mean so much to me, however jealousy (from so called family and friends) seems to be my biggest hurdle. All those people who were discussed by me when I was big are know saying I forgot where I came from. My oldest daughter who is over weight can barely stand to look at me. My husband is driving me crazy with jealousy and insecurity. He is not overweight and is very handsome. I thought that we would become the power couple but instead I he just wants me to go back to being miserable.
Talk to me I hope we can get each other over this hump.
Moving into my Destiny
Hi Jean, I will be 3yrs out on Feb 24. I his my lowest weight in July of 2010 at 207lbs. After that it started coming back. I have gained almost 20lbs since then.
I eat for taste and have issues listening to the band and therefore eat the wrong things most of the time because I don't want to be stuck, but I can eat a great deal of "other" things.
I was not married when I got the band but I am now. I had a jerk of a b/f then and ditched him 6 months out from getting banded. I have had ppl tell me that I shouldn't loose any more weight (back in july 2010)
I wish I could get my head where yours is. I'm sorry about all the issues with your daughter and your husband. You have done what I can't do and that is awesome. Be proud of the success because sometimes the only person you can please is yourself,and if you aren't happy, no one will be.
I eat for taste and have issues listening to the band and therefore eat the wrong things most of the time because I don't want to be stuck, but I can eat a great deal of "other" things.
I was not married when I got the band but I am now. I had a jerk of a b/f then and ditched him 6 months out from getting banded. I have had ppl tell me that I shouldn't loose any more weight (back in july 2010)
I wish I could get my head where yours is. I'm sorry about all the issues with your daughter and your husband. You have done what I can't do and that is awesome. Be proud of the success because sometimes the only person you can please is yourself,and if you aren't happy, no one will be.