Where are you Santa???
Since the "jig is up" vis-a-vis your Santa, Karen, I can tell you this: I trust Wendy implicitly and have 100 percent faith that she is NOT hosing you. About 50 percent of the unreceived packages were coming from people that I trusted to have sent them, and most of THEM have messaged me to tell me that either the PO has not gotten the pkg there or that they were sick, injured, had a family emergency, etc.: some reason for the the delay.
While I realize some of the gift hang up may be postal issues and would give it another week or so, but then I'd post their names everyday for a week just to let them know they didn't get away with it! A lttle shame never hurt anyone and these low lifes deserve it. I know my gift was going to be late but I let Bette know so she could let my reciever know not to give up. This is just NOT the time of year to screw people over!
I agree. Name and shame! Not referring to my SS - not got the gift yet but she told me via Bette that she has been ill and unable to post.it.
Very sad if those who couldn't be bothered turn out to be people we all thought we knew! Was it as bad as this last year, Bette?
Very sad if those who couldn't be bothered turn out to be people we all thought we knew! Was it as bad as this last year, Bette?
Highest 290, Banded - 248 Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.
Happily banded since May 2006. Regain of 28lbs 2013-14. ALL GONE!
But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,
I don't mind the people who have had packages come back, or folks who have been sick or whatever - AND LET ME KNOW WHAT WAS GOING ON. It's the people that I have PMed and heard nothing back from that annoy the crap out of me.
Some of you who are still waiting - your SS has messaged me to at least let me know that your pkg was mailed and that it may still be in the holiday post office rush.
Some of you who are still waiting - your SS has messaged me to at least let me know that your pkg was mailed and that it may still be in the holiday post office rush.
I really hope ALL your Santa's come through!!!
With special concern for my WONDERFUL Secret Santa who was beyond generous (formykids5). Maybe we need some sort of rules, like: have to be a member and posting for a couple of months, must PM Santa's helper at least twice before the names get sent out, etc. But I'm sorry to say there may be a few Grinch's
no matter what. I know I have sent out something for someone who was hosed last year. I agree they need to be some sort of resolve for those who did not send out.