MORE KINDLING...asthmatics n lapband
Banded 03/22/06 276/261/184 (highest/surgery/lowest)
Sleeved 07/11/2013 228/165 (surgery/current) (111lbs lost)
Mom to two of the cutest boys on earth.
Banded 03/22/06 276/261/184 (highest/surgery/lowest)
Sleeved 07/11/2013 228/165 (surgery/current) (111lbs lost)
Mom to two of the cutest boys on earth.
Yes..ok I found the EMAIL I received from MedPage...yer right as I posted earlier...I have NO IDEA why the SENIOR EDITOR of MEDPAGE TODAY titled this CASE STUDY as such.

And as for others telling me to STAY OFF this BOARD...not a chance NOW! I must admit February 12, 2011 WAS my last post to this FIRST postings HERE on IMPORTANCE OF RESEARCHING WLS , LAPBAND related articles started on Sept 13. 2009. I WILL MAKE IT A POINT TO POST MORE OFTEN NOW!
So many PRE-OPS are inundated with BILLBOARD advertising especially in SoCal (where Im from!) everyday ...sitiin in traffic...reading LAPBAND ADS...If ya've never been to LA/SanBerdo/Riverside/SanDiego...its OVERWHELMING...every FREEWAY...HUGE advertisments for LAPBAND!!...People thinking ITS THE ONLY SOLUTION...NO WLS is THE ONLY SOLUTION!!
There are CAVEATS to EM ALL!! Erosion, Band Slippage and REFLUX (as in this particular case study) and VOMITTING related prblems are COMMON in duh! YOU KNOW IT IS too! When peeps are searching for NEEDING REVISION to VSG its unreal how many revisions to VSG there are! ......their RISK for LEAKS increase to OVER 6% due to erosion! Leak rate in "virgin" VSG is ONLY 2.2%. 6% ain't much still...but its TELLING!
The RISK of DUMPING in VSG is documented as MINIMAL! BECAUSE IT IS VERY UNCOMMON!!..... I had 3 episodes of ALIMENTARY HYPOGLYCEMIA 3 times! .post 5.5 months out NEVER AGAIN...for the MAJORITY OF US that have experienced ALIMENTARY HYPOGLYCEMIA...we NEVER have it again after 6 months out. eta: IT IS SOOO UNCOMMON...I HAVE BEEN TOLD I DID NOT DUMP by vets. The FEW others that report a DUMPING episode within their first 6 months are often TOLD they DIDN'T DUMP by people who never experienced it! am I on those finger waggers flies on dookie!
People who have NEVER EVER had WLS... DUMP IBSrs DUMP....people with GASTRO ONLY SURGERY DUMP cancer, ulcers, partial gastrectomies..............also CAN have ALIMENTARY HYPOGLYCEMIA!! we CAN dump on ANY FOOD hi fat, lo fat, high protein, lo protein, hi carb, lo carb.......NOT JUST REFINED SUGAR (RNYrs do THAT!! its called REACTIVE hypoglycemia!...and ONLY 33% of RNYrs react to refined sugar in this way and DUMP)
I think PEOPLE WHO KNOW NOTHING about VSG should NOT post about VSG.
I STILL POST CAVEATS ABOUT VSG on the VSG Forum....studies, correcting LIES, MYTHS and PROPAGANDA perpetuated by OUR OWN "vets"
I hate seeing pre-ops spoon-fed LIES.
I appreciate yer reply Dev.........don't take this personal...cuz it ain't
on 12/23/11 4:28 am, edited 12/22/11 5:43 pm
, being too tight will cause frequent reflux, vomiting and coughing which can cause aspiration of the lungs which are ALL PREVENTABLE.
Most lap banders that take care of their health are very happy, we don't have to roam on other boards because most of us don't have problems and are happy, don't let those who are revision patients fool you to thinking we are in misery...
I've been too tight a few times since I've had my band over 6 years and it is not pleasant, but it can all be taken care of with a simple visit to the surgeon to remove some saline, and when my surgeon removed some saline all symptoms went away immediately, those who wait until they've damaged their bodies or suffered band slippage usually have to get their bands removed or they can revise over to another surgery.
Many people are unaware of the unpleasant side effect of the Sleeve such as dumping and long term vitamin deficiencies. I am going on 7 years and I rarely take vitamins we lap banders rarely get vitamin deficiencies or long term problems.
I am SO happy that my band gives me great restriction and I can enjoy yummy treats without feeling faint, sweating, vomiting and the shakes at 6 years post guess this is how you keep your weight down sort of? Many people avoid RNY because they don't want those symptoms, but I think many Sleevers are downplaying this very unpleasant side effect that lasts forever...eek!
Don't shoot me the messenger of this link from WEBMD of horrible consequences of eating occasional sweets and carbs with the Sleeve erations-stomach-stapling-or-gastric-banding
What To Expect After Sleeve Surgery
You will have some belly pain and may need pain medicine for the first week or so after surgery. The cut that the doctor makes (incision) may be tender and sore. Because the surgery makes your stomach smaller, you will get full more quickly when you eat. Food also may empty into the small intestine too quickly. This is called dumping syndrome. It can cause diarrhea and make you feel faint, shaky, and nauseated. It also can make it hard for your body to get enough nutrition.
Your doctor will give you specific instructions about what to eat after the surgery. For about the first month after surgery, your stomach can only handle small amounts of soft foods and liquids while you are healing. It is important to try to sip water throughout the day to avoid becoming dehydrated. You may notice that your bowel movements are not regular right after your surgery. This is common. Try to avoid constipation and straining with bowel movements.
Bit by bit, you will be able to add solid foods back into your diet. You must be careful to chew food well and to stop eating when you feel full. This can take some getting used to, because you will feel full after eating much less food than you are used to eating. If you do not chew your food well or do not stop eating soon enough, you may feel discomfort or nausea and may sometimes vomit. If you drink a lot of high-calorie liquid such as soda or fruit juice, you may not lose weight. If you continually overeat, the stomach may stretch. If your stomach stretches, you will not benefit from your surgery.
Your doctor will probably recommend that you work with a dietitian to plan healthy meals that give you enough protein, vitamins, and minerals while you are losing weight. Even with a healthy diet, you probably will need to take vitamin and mineralsupplements for the rest of your life.
Edited to Add more Dumping stores and links g-dumping---yuck/ SG/ -to-do-lately-is-eat/ drome/ -de/ th-a-VSG-then-a-Revision-to-a-VSG-smaller/
I have a life so I got tired of posting the links on dumping.... if someone is researching they can go to the top page and do a search and type in VSG and dumping or complications and they can see all the nasty side effects people complain about. I think most vsg wished they had the band because they can't stay off this board