Great tips!!!
Remember YOU can't fail if you follow these tips....that's not to say the band might not fail. But if you do your part the risk of your band failing is not as high.
To me there's a big difference between band failure and personal failure. I know someone that did great but because she kept her band too tight...she lost her band(her fault). I have read numerous stories of people that have struggled with issues from day one with their band not cooperating with their body (not their fault at all). To me the first is completely preventable, the second is heartbreakingly not preventable.
Remember YOU can't fail if you follow these tips....that's not to say the band might not fail. But if you do your part the risk of your band failing is not as high.
To me there's a big difference between band failure and personal failure. I know someone that did great but because she kept her band too tight...she lost her band(her fault). I have read numerous stories of people that have struggled with issues from day one with their band not cooperating with their body (not their fault at all). To me the first is completely preventable, the second is heartbreakingly not preventable.
on 12/17/11 9:26 am
on 12/17/11 9:26 am
These are good tips but the band can still fail you. It isn't cut and dry. The band like all surgeries has risks and failures. You can follow all the rules most of the time and still not lose weight and still have complications everyones body is different. After a fill I get so swollen just like when I first has surgery. I have to do liquids and purees for almost 2 weeks. After 10-14 days I can eat a normal lap-band diet. Just my cork I guess. It doesn't matter how small the fill is that is what happens to me.
As a nurse, I see many devices that fail for a variety of reasons. Right now we have a patient that had a brain shunt become infected, and has a temporary drain in her brain until the shunt can be placed. Any foreign object in the body can fail. We also have a gastric bypass patient who most likely will be one of the 2% who die from complications from that surgery. I wish every one great success with their lap band. On the personal level, I lost half the weight and have maintained for 6 years. I still struggle, but never give up, and my clothes wear out because they always fit. I am saddened by the anger, and hope everyone ends up with a device or surgery that works.
Actually, not only can the band fail you, but you can fail your band if you remain too consistent.
Consistency causes your body to become accustom to a pattern. Once it's accustom to a pattern of eating, exercising, caloric intake in and calories out, blah blah - Weight loss will stop; the definition of a stall.
Shaking up your routine is good to do.
Naomi, you started this post with good intentions but seriously...
Consistency causes your body to become accustom to a pattern. Once it's accustom to a pattern of eating, exercising, caloric intake in and calories out, blah blah - Weight loss will stop; the definition of a stall.
Shaking up your routine is good to do.
Naomi, you started this post with good intentions but seriously...

(deactivated member)
on 12/20/11 9:39 am
on 12/20/11 9:39 am
What a load of BS! I followed the band rules for 5 years long, miserable years. I DID NOT FAIL...THE BAND FAILED ME as it fails too many. I was within 3 days of losing my incredibly wonderful life due to the band. Please everyone.....research, research, research.