I Joined a Gym EEEK! -- What Should I Wear?
(deactivated member)
on 12/13/11 11:39 pm
on 12/13/11 11:39 pm
One of my goals before having wls was to lose enough weight to join a gym without dying of embarrassment or injuring myself on all the equipment.
I've always liked to exercise at home, I've gone to a gym a few times in the past on a visitor pass and have always felt horribly out of place -- like everyone was staring at me. Well I'm still overweight, but I feel so much better and confident that I think I can suck it up and not feel so embarrassed. So, I joined a wellness program at a fitness center in the local hospital and will be working with a trainer for the first few times at first so I can learn all about how everything works and make a good workout plan for me.
What do you recommend wearing? What is most comfortable? Any good sports bra recommendations? I don't want to look like a total slob, but I also don't want to squeeze myself into something so tight and reveling that I look like an overstuffed sausage casing.
Should I buy special "gym shoes"?
Anything else I should know about?
I've always liked to exercise at home, I've gone to a gym a few times in the past on a visitor pass and have always felt horribly out of place -- like everyone was staring at me. Well I'm still overweight, but I feel so much better and confident that I think I can suck it up and not feel so embarrassed. So, I joined a wellness program at a fitness center in the local hospital and will be working with a trainer for the first few times at first so I can learn all about how everything works and make a good workout plan for me.
What do you recommend wearing? What is most comfortable? Any good sports bra recommendations? I don't want to look like a total slob, but I also don't want to squeeze myself into something so tight and reveling that I look like an overstuffed sausage casing.
Should I buy special "gym shoes"?
Anything else I should know about?
Target has some good workout wear, in my opinion.
I always get the capri length workout pants and pair it with a T shirt. I find that no one notices what anyone wears to the gym, as long as it isn't Olivia Newton John-esque in Xanadu.
Ya know, no hot pink lycra with sequins and glow in the dark lettering or anything.
I finally gave in and bought the fugliest pair of mens' gym shoes. My arches are super high and all the womens' shoes cut across my instep. So, yeah. Ugly works. I'm not stylin', but my feet hurt less! Don't go for fashion... go for comfort when it comes to shoes!
I always get the capri length workout pants and pair it with a T shirt. I find that no one notices what anyone wears to the gym, as long as it isn't Olivia Newton John-esque in Xanadu.

I finally gave in and bought the fugliest pair of mens' gym shoes. My arches are super high and all the womens' shoes cut across my instep. So, yeah. Ugly works. I'm not stylin', but my feet hurt less! Don't go for fashion... go for comfort when it comes to shoes!
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
You are going to want to invest in a really good pair of sneakers! Do a quick google search for an actually "running store" in your area, they will listen to your plans for exercise, have you walk on a treadmill and tell you what the best shoe for your body is. I can not stress how important this is, having the proper footwear will keep you from getting hurt, will give you better support so you will feel better after your workout.
As for clothing, I wear target compression garments under my sweats and t-shirts, I don't really care what I look like since I am a sweating, gross mess by the end LOL but I like the compression garments b/c they make it easier for me to move and leave me with less rashes and rubbing areas.
If your thighs still touch, I would recommend picking up some body glide to put on before you get dressed, it will keep you from getting chaffed (this can be put anywhere that you think you might have an issue, I use it on my legs, heels and arms.
Good luck! It can be fun.
As for clothing, I wear target compression garments under my sweats and t-shirts, I don't really care what I look like since I am a sweating, gross mess by the end LOL but I like the compression garments b/c they make it easier for me to move and leave me with less rashes and rubbing areas.
If your thighs still touch, I would recommend picking up some body glide to put on before you get dressed, it will keep you from getting chaffed (this can be put anywhere that you think you might have an issue, I use it on my legs, heels and arms.
Good luck! It can be fun.
I like compression type capri's.. C9 @ Target is a good choice. Then I wear wind shorts over them to disguise my butt a little. The reason I wear compression is that, for me, it cuts down on the jiggling and discomfort.
Sports bras.. I really really like the front closure ones at Walmart by Danskin Now. They don't give you a Uniboob. Underarmour makes good ones too, but pricey. When I was first working out at over 200lbs.. I needed to double bra. Just sayin'
Shoes: Get a good pair. I like New Balances, but other good brands are K-Swiss Tubes, Addidas, Aesics. Try on lots. If you buy from Academy, they will accept returns on shoes indefinitely.. if you have your receipt... I don't live close to Academy..it's an 80 mile drive round trip, so I've been 3 or more months in getting back to return shoes and they've not blinked an eye. If you can afford it, buy two pairs of shoes and switch them out. I have one pair of cross-trainers and one pair of running shoes. The new balance cross trainers are so flexible I can do Yoga in them.. but they're not comfortable for spin class.. so I need two pairs. I got good advice on shoes from my trainers. Everyone's foot is different so don't give up. A specialty store is a good suggestion, but I ended up returning the shoe I got sold there and went back to my new balances. Once you find a brand that works for you.. you'll be in love. :) I'm extremely picky over shoes.. I can spend 2 hours picking them out.
Tops: I like to wear layers, esp. in the winter. (Starting with a sports bra) I wear a workout top (the kind with a built-in shelf bra), then over that a T-shirt.. then over that, either a light weight jacket or a thin long sleeve shirt. As I get warm.. I peel stuff off.
Congrats to you on your new found confidence!!! Way to go!!!
Sports bras.. I really really like the front closure ones at Walmart by Danskin Now. They don't give you a Uniboob. Underarmour makes good ones too, but pricey. When I was first working out at over 200lbs.. I needed to double bra. Just sayin'
Shoes: Get a good pair. I like New Balances, but other good brands are K-Swiss Tubes, Addidas, Aesics. Try on lots. If you buy from Academy, they will accept returns on shoes indefinitely.. if you have your receipt... I don't live close to Academy..it's an 80 mile drive round trip, so I've been 3 or more months in getting back to return shoes and they've not blinked an eye. If you can afford it, buy two pairs of shoes and switch them out. I have one pair of cross-trainers and one pair of running shoes. The new balance cross trainers are so flexible I can do Yoga in them.. but they're not comfortable for spin class.. so I need two pairs. I got good advice on shoes from my trainers. Everyone's foot is different so don't give up. A specialty store is a good suggestion, but I ended up returning the shoe I got sold there and went back to my new balances. Once you find a brand that works for you.. you'll be in love. :) I'm extremely picky over shoes.. I can spend 2 hours picking them out.
Tops: I like to wear layers, esp. in the winter. (Starting with a sports bra) I wear a workout top (the kind with a built-in shelf bra), then over that a T-shirt.. then over that, either a light weight jacket or a thin long sleeve shirt. As I get warm.. I peel stuff off.
Congrats to you on your new found confidence!!! Way to go!!!