I am not a Lap Band Poster Child
You will go through ups and downs. Don't beat yourself up over it. I didnt follow any of my doctor's rules (except I didnt drink carbonated beverages)....In the beginning, I ate sweets, drank alcohol, and ate whatever I wanted...and guess what..I survived and lost weight. I dont condone this behavior, but wanted you to know..it is NOT the end of the world..if you are strong willed and keep your eyes on the prize, you WILL succeed. I know a lot of people will give you advise, take everything that you hear and digest it..It may be right for you and it may totally fail for you. I suggest stingy fills and religiously seeing your surgeon for adjustments until you hit that sweet spot....It took me forever before that happened, but once it did, I was smoooth sailing. You can do it!!
~ I suggest stingy fills and religiously seeing your surgeon for adjustments until you hit that sweet spot....It took me forever before that happened, but once it did, I was smoooth sailing. You can do it!!~
But it NEVER happens for some (many)! I am glad it worked for you, but as some point one has to just give up and cut your losses. The sweet spot does NOT exist for MANY bandsters. They could get unlimited fills..........wouldn't matter. Either it works, or it doesn't. Unfortunatly it does NOT work for many of us!
Thank you Thank you Thank you for that. I am working on getting banded in Feb. and I am a strong bull headed woman but I know sometimes I fall off the wagon and need to not let go of the prize. Again thank you for the post It let me know that if I screw up I can dust myself off and get going again. I'm keeping my eye on the prize.
I am a lap band rebel...yes such a wrong approach..but I dont even get on the wagon, so that I cant fall off...lol..I eat what I want, just small portions of it...I will be the first to admit, I am a chocoholic..I would never give it up..but the luxury of the band..I dont have to...Im able to eat just enough to satisfy my craving and the band wont allow me to eat anything more...
On December 13, 2011 at 6:45 PM Pacific Time, HeatherCat wrote:
You will go through ups and downs. Don't beat yourself up over it. I didnt follow any of my doctor's rules (except I didnt drink carbonated beverages)....In the beginning, I ate sweets, drank alcohol, and ate whatever I wanted...and guess what..I survived and lost weight. I dont condone this behavior, but wanted you to know..it is NOT the end of the world..if you are strong willed and keep your eyes on the prize, you WILL succeed. I know a lot of people will give you advise, take everything that you hear and digest it..It may be right for you and it may totally fail for you. I suggest stingy fills and religiously seeing your surgeon for adjustments until you hit that sweet spot....It took me forever before that happened, but once it did, I was smoooth sailing. You can do it!!On December 13, 2011 at 6:45 PM Pacific Time, HeatherCat wrote:
You will go through ups and downs. Don't beat yourself up over it. I didnt follow any of my doctor's rules (except I didnt drink carbonated beverages)....In the beginning, I ate sweets, drank alcohol, and ate whatever I wanted...and guess what..I survived and lost weight. I dont condone this behavior, but wanted you to know..it is NOT the end of the world..if you are strong willed and keep your eyes on the prize, you WILL succeed. I know a lot of people will give you advise, take everything that you hear and digest it..It may be right for you and it may totally fail for you. I suggest stingy fills and religiously seeing your surgeon for adjustments until you hit that sweet spot....It took me forever before that happened, but once it did, I was smoooth sailing. You can do it!!