Visit With My Surgeon
Is your anti-nausea med working? If not maybe try some ginger candy. I have heard it can help with nausea. Also check with the pharmacy. I bought some hard canies last year that the pharmacist said one of the oncologist and OB had requested that he carry. I think they have ginger in them as well, but I'm not sure. I won't be home till tomorrow night, but I will look for them when I get home and let you know what they are.
(deactivated member)
on 12/13/11 4:13 pm - Califreakinfornia , CA
on 12/13/11 4:13 pm - Califreakinfornia , CA
She can't have anything by mouth yet.Her surgeon wants the surgical inflammation time to heal first.
The thing is, I am just not sure what we are going to learn by doing this "everything up the nose" BS. I need to be able to drink, swallow, and keep it down. I need to go back to work Monday. I need to pay my Mortgage and buy a few more Christmas presents.
I mean, if I am not taking anything orally, how am I going to know if I am better or not?
The Surgeon keeps saying he knows "I" can do this, but I am doing everything I physically can, and my body is still not behaving in a normal way. It almost feels like a subtle way to blame me, you know, if it doesn't work it must be because "I" can't do this.
I mean, if I am not taking anything orally, how am I going to know if I am better or not?
The Surgeon keeps saying he knows "I" can do this, but I am doing everything I physically can, and my body is still not behaving in a normal way. It almost feels like a subtle way to blame me, you know, if it doesn't work it must be because "I" can't do this.
Ready For A Change
Perhaps he means he knows you can do this as in he knows that you can handle making it through this difficult time. I do hope you can get some relief soon. Does he also have you on a steroid for the inflammation?
Another thing you could try that probably can't hurt would be going to the health food store and get some arnica montana. It usually is available in a sublingual dissolving tab form. It sounds a little crackpot, but I actually found that it helped a bit with some inflammation I had.
Another thing you could try that probably can't hurt would be going to the health food store and get some arnica montana. It usually is available in a sublingual dissolving tab form. It sounds a little crackpot, but I actually found that it helped a bit with some inflammation I had.
Banded 03/22/06 276/261/184 (highest/surgery/lowest)
Sleeved 07/11/2013 228/165 (surgery/current) (111lbs lost)
Mom to two of the cutest boys on earth.
(deactivated member)
on 12/14/11 2:12 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
on 12/14/11 2:12 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
I could use all the help I can get with inflammation issues. How and why does this stuff actually work Dev ?
I don't know a lot about the how and why, it was actually someone from this forum that initially told me about it. I have since bought the topical cream version of it and I use it when my son whacks his face on things; it really helps minimize bruising. I've been told that plastic surgeons recommend it post surgery. I don't usually put much stocks in various herbs, but it seems to do something.
The other thing that is supposed to be really great for inflammation is turmeric. They're actually studying cut cumin (an extract of turmeric) for prevention of colon cancer due to its anti-inflammatory effects. The pills tend to be a bit big though.
The other thing that is supposed to be really great for inflammation is turmeric. They're actually studying cut cumin (an extract of turmeric) for prevention of colon cancer due to its anti-inflammatory effects. The pills tend to be a bit big though.
Banded 03/22/06 276/261/184 (highest/surgery/lowest)
Sleeved 07/11/2013 228/165 (surgery/current) (111lbs lost)
Mom to two of the cutest boys on earth.
My surgeon did that, too, and let me tell you, I had big problems right after surgery, too. PLEASE do not let anyone blame you for anything. I let it get to me and I should have had the band removed immediately... but I believed that it must be something I was doing wrong. And that's just not the case.
Take care. I hope things get better soon.
Take care. I hope things get better soon.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
(deactivated member)
on 12/14/11 2:47 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
on 12/14/11 2:47 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
On December 14, 2011 at 6:36 AM Pacific Time, Bexie wrote:
The thing is, I am just not sure what we are going to learn by doing this "everything up the nose" BS. I need to be able to drink, swallow, and keep it down. I need to go back to work Monday. I need to pay my Mortgage and buy a few more Christmas presents. I mean, if I am not taking anything orally, how am I going to know if I am better or not?
The Surgeon keeps saying he knows "I" can do this, but I am doing everything I physically can, and my body is still not behaving in a normal way. It almost feels like a subtle way to blame me, you know, if it doesn't work it must be because "I" can't do this.
I believe that your surgeon is just trying to be your cheerleader and encourage you during a time when you need all the support and positive reinforcement you can get. I think that's what he means when he said to you, " I can do this"
The fact is is that your body is not behaving in a " normal " way, but this may be normal for your body.
You know I am anti band, but that doesn't mean I don't want this to work for you. So although I am not a doctor, I really believe that your surgeon is doing the right thing for you by giving your body the extra time it needs to heal by not allowing you to have anything orally that might increase the inflammation in and around your lap band site.
I am not getting the " Your surgeon is blaming you vibe "
Bexie, Your hormones are a mess because of having surgery, You're under a lot of stress not only due to those hormones, but you have other stresses too...your imminent return to work, your MTG, Christmas. These are stressful in and of themselves.
You can't take any oral medications natural or prescribed to help you deal with those stresses, and you're on a time line in regards to all those stresses. I strongly encourage you to think positive and do other things to help calm yourself during this time. I know it sounds really stupid, but try some deep breathing exercises, light some candles, listen to your favorite music. Then make a list of only what is truly important and that must be accomplished, and with as much calmness as you can, proceed to accomplish theses tasks, minute by minute, hour by hour, and day by day, while resting as often as you possibly can.
I do not recall if you have children, but if you do and they are old enough to understand. Then you can always delay Christmas by a few days, a week, or just cancel it period. Your family should be helping you to do all of this. I'm sure your husband will understand and maybe can even handle this all on his own.
I had my band removed days after Christmas and because we were out of state during Christmas I left the majority of our Christmas presents at home to be opened after we returned. I ended up in surgery upon our arrival home and the gifts didn't get unwrapped until somewhere about 10 days post-op because I was in terrible pain.
Bexie we are here for you and all you need to do is continue to reach out to us and we will do everything we can to help you.
Take Care