My band is so tight that I can actually hear a difference in my voice like I'm choking. However, this is the ONLY time I get restriction. Truth be told, I hope it does slip, it can slip through my throat and onto the ground for all I care if it means that insurance may pay for a new band/revision/sleeve or something!!!
I am soooo tired of fill, unfill, fill, unfill, fill, unfill. I've paid four 70.00 copays in less than 2 months with no change until I'm too tight since I can't ever hit the just right. I'm at the weight where its hard as heck to move the scale because I'm not so big that the lbs just fall off anymore. It really sucks to have to take 2 acid reducer pills a day just so my band can work but thats just the way it is. i only have 25 more lbs to lose to be where I want to be but so be it!!!
I'm tired of alll the crap that goes with this and all the staff at my doc's office looking at me with pitty because they all got the RNY and are at goal if not less than goal!!! Forgive my rant, I know I should be grateful for all that I have accomplished and I am but its just so frustrating sometimes!
I know that I'm just envious over my RNY buddies that are skinny as hell in less than 8 months with not one day of exercise whereas I had to bust my behind and still have to bust my behind just to maintain because banders absorb every calorie that enters our mouth. I know that I can get back down to my personal goal weight because I did it before....I just need to do it....again...I just needed to rant a bit.... but ranting aside, I'm not getting an unfill until I'm not able to swallow my saliva (throwing down the microphone and leaving the stage now).
I know....I'm gonna get it unfilled but can't I atleast wait until after Christmas? I hate going to my doc's office and feeling like a failure each time. So much so, I'm thinking about switching offices. I know my situation won't change but it'll make me feel better to deal with folks who didn't all get the RNY.
You are NOT a failure! It breaks my heart to hear so many bandsters ay that. You are going for fills you are exercising, and I'm sure you are doing your best to eat healthy as well. If you have given it your best shot then you are NOT a failure.........THE BAND HAS FAILED YOU! :-(
If you can't lose weight unless it's too tight, well that is NOT how the band manufacturers advertised that it worked.
And don't feel that you have to switch Drs. offices because you feel like a failure. They see bandsters come thorough there every day with failed bands! They know that a small % of them are failures, but they KNOW that the vast majority of them have done the necessary things to work with their bands and that their band has failed them. Keep that in mind, and know that you YOU are a SUCCESS!
Don't make me come over there!!

Stop worrying about those paltry 25 pounds and get your band unfilled to a manageable level. You're going to hurt yourself. And I say this with compassion, not anger, just so ya know.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
on 12/10/11 12:44 am, edited 12/10/11 12:45 am
If you are just not happy with the band it won't work for you regardless of what you do, unfortunately the sweet spot just does not exist for a lot of people, it depends on heavily how the surgeon installed the band and how well the band healed whether or not someone experience ideal level of restriction.
If you are relying on 2 acid reducers per day there may be something else going on that needs to be checked, because you should not have to depend on acid reducers to live with your band.
I do not envy people with RNY for one minute because I don't envy possible daily dumping FOREVER, vomiting, strictures, adhesion's, hernias, heavily dependent on vitamins FOR LIFE, and other issues that crop up years down the road. I chose the band because I did not want to deal with issues that may happen with RNY, everyone does not experience problems with the band, so we all take risks when we have weight loss surgery and NO WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY COMES PROBLEM FREE, you may trade unfills and refills for frequent hospitalizations, iron infusions and B12 shots with RNY or any other weight loss surgery.
When I got frustrated with my unfill/refill issues, I simply looked for another band surgeon that specialized in lap bands, and since changing surgeons, I am very happy with my current fill level and I have not had anymore problems. I think it is bad idea for you to purposely cause complications with your band because it may ruin your changes of a revision if you damage your body significantly.
I think you need to calm down and take a breather and go back and ask for a very small unfill before you cause severe damage to yourself -- and voice your frustration to your surgeon while seeking a new one, I know it can be frustrating, I've been there and done that. I am not sure which band size you have but by taking a very small increment out like .1cc makes a huge difference from being too tight and just right.
Thank you for reminding me as to why I didn't get the RNY as well since all of the problems associated with it were the reasons I refused to go with that surgery unless it was the last resort.
I saw your post from a few a days ago asking about what people believe is their ideal weight. I really just need to drop a few lbs but mentally, I still see myself as morbidly obese and any lb thats still there makes me think that I'm one cupcake away from being 300 lbs again.
Its just so mentally exhausting to analyze every piece of food that goes into my mouth whether it be good or bad foods. I just dont' know what it feels like to be normal although I guess I never have.
It just seems like the weight tries to jump back on if I'm not fanatical at the gym or dinner table and working full-time, part-time, and going to school full-time is just leaving me mentally and physically drained. The antidepressants to sleep at night and the antidepressants to make it through my work day are making me dizzy and even more depressed from lack of energy. What am I going to do???
I CANNOT FIND A BALANCE ANY WHERE. The saying that what doesn't kill you will only make you stronger is going to be flipped with me to read more like, "What I'm going through is weakening and killing me".
~all I get is the pitty head shake when I go to my surgeons office and the comment that the problems I have are exactly why they chose to have RNY instead of someone trying to offer me some better options. ~
That is b/c honestly t hey don't have any better options for you. Either the band works correctly or it doesn't. They have told me at my Drs. office that they have no idea why it works for one person and not for another. they said they wish they could tell which ones the band will actually work on. There is the list of band "rules". But following them does not guarantee at all that the band will work. It's very much a crap shoot! :-(