Worst Christmas Present Every!
I won’t even ask if you’ve been naught or nice. Santa may require niceness for a present (the big guy and I have already had this discussion again this year!)
but not me!
So……………..don’t ya just love a contest?! Here’s how it works. Tell me your worst Christmas present. The person who got the worst Christmas present wins the BEST Christmas present! A DaVinci Gourmet Sugar Free Gift Pack!
How awesome is that?!
Angel Austin won the last DaVinci gift pack. Who wants to be next?
Now I am a HUGE DaVinci sugar free syrup fan! I add it to protein drinks, sugar free pudding and Greek yogurt. Greek yogurt is great for us but the flavors are much more limited with it than most light yogurts. It’s also very popular in coffee and tea. I don’t know how many times I have recommended it to newbies struggling with their new post-op diet.
So let’s hear all the horror stories of all the dumb ass presents you have gotten over the years!
Maybe it’s a Chia Pet?
Maybe it’s the Weener Kleener Soap
A creepy people present perhaps?
The dreaded fruitcake?
Or a surprise visit from your chronically happy cousins!
Don’t laugh! I’m telling them I moved and giving them one of YOUR addresses this year!
Now back to the contest. If you haven’t tried DaVinci sugar free (made with Splenda) syrups you must! The have about 50 different sugar free flavors.
- German Chocolate Cake
- Cookie Dough
- B-52
- Gingerbread
- Praline
- Cream de Menthe
- Peanut Butter
Just to name a few.
And the wonderful people a DaVinci Gourmet have offered a really cool gift pack! The pack will include a DaVinci cup, a DaVinci apron
So here is your chance to try it before you buy it.
Think back over those dysfunctional family Christmas gatherings. You know, the ones you later whined about in therapy………. and tell me about your crappy presents! Which one was the worst?
*If you want to enter to win just click on the link in my sig tag and tell me your worst present*
(deactivated member)
on 12/9/11 11:14 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
on 12/9/11 11:14 am - Califreakinfornia , CA

(deactivated member)
on 12/9/11 11:34 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
on 12/9/11 11:34 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
I'm could cannibalize my own peeps.

On December 9, 2011 at 7:34 PM Pacific Time, Pumpkin X . wrote:
I'm could cannibalize my own peeps.

I was 15, almost 16. All I wanted was Scattergories (I have a love of word games). Christmas rolls around and my Aunt and Uncle pass me a gift, it was game sized. I pulled off the wrapping paper expecting to see that black and red box, instead, I saw a blue box. The Babysitters Club Game, age 8 and up.

Ready For A Change
Oh no! Don't ya hate it when the relatives can't get the "age appropriateness" right?!
My aunts and uncles I think gave good gifts, but my grandmother.............well...............she lacked creativity. Every freaking year...............PAINT MY NUMBERS! Every year! And I continued to get them every year b/c my mom wouldn't let me tell her I hated them, lol.
You know what they say..........choose your family wisely. ;-)
My aunts and uncles I think gave good gifts, but my grandmother.............well...............she lacked creativity. Every freaking year...............PAINT MY NUMBERS! Every year! And I continued to get them every year b/c my mom wouldn't let me tell her I hated them, lol.
You know what they say..........choose your family wisely. ;-)
(deactivated member)
on 12/9/11 12:22 pm - Califreakinfornia , CA
on 12/9/11 12:22 pm - Califreakinfornia , CA
On December 9, 2011 at 8:13 PM Pacific Time, tripmom02 wrote:
Last year, my husband gave me a Carbon Monoxide Detector and Fire Extinguisher.