Houston, we have a problem.

on 12/9/11 3:04 am - bronx, NY

was refering to band issues! i do agree with the ER doctors can give her IV... was speaking from experience idk how things work on ur side of town or hers... dont shoot i was just trying to help lmfoa

Denise M.
on 12/9/11 3:53 am
Hey Pummy, my surgery was outpatient.  In around 8 in the morning, out around 3.

Mine was done at the outpatient surgery section of the hospital.  If you have issues, you can go to the ER and they'll page your surgeon (or the backup bariatric surgeon on call).  In the meantime, like you said, any clinician can give you an IV for fluids.

We were given a phone number to call in case of an after hours emergency in our surgery packet. Of course when I had one and called the number, it just went to voice mail.  I had to kind of point that out to them and they were like, Oh.  Had to get the ER people to page someone for me.

Another reason I changed clinics.  Sigh.  The new place sends it to voice mail, but they have someone MONITORING it and they call you back almost immediately to discuss the issues and whether you need to meet in the ER or wait until regular business hours.
Denise M.
on 12/8/11 11:30 pm
Please keep us posted as to how the scoping goes today.  

Hopefully it's just a whole helluva lot of inflammation and they could do something like give you a short course of steroids or something to calm it down.

As for your BMs being liquid, that's probably because you haven't had anything going IN your system in days.  But it's a good idea to mention your hubby's stomach bug, because maybe if you have it too, that's contributing to the problem.  

Who knows.

Just stay on top of it and do whatever you can to stay hydrated.  

I can totally relate to the lack of anxiety in spite of being an anxious person.  I was the same way.  When I finally made my decision and in the days approaching surgery, my mind was oddly quiet.  It was a nice break from the normal hurricane of worrying thoughts.  I guess it was because I had made my decision and was solid in that, and my anxiety gremlins were disarmed by that.

Anyway, feel better and I hope they get this fixed ASAP!  
on 12/8/11 11:57 pm
I stayed over night with my band my insurance would only pay 100 percent if I had my band done as inpatient and I am happy I did, nurses took care of me and made sure that I was able to get down liquids,
I was swollen also and could barely get down anything, but I took it very slowly and only sipped on room temperature water and Crystal lite and things got better for me. I am surprised you were sent home on the same day. I am sure you are inflammed from the trauma of surgery. Hope you feel better.
 Are you overall Happy with your Band and want a postive environment to stay on track? Join us and become a member of our Happy Lap Band Group Keep it bookmarked! http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/Happy_Successful_Banders/ 

(deactivated member)
on 12/9/11 12:25 am - Wiesbaden, Germany
DS on 10/08/13
It's becoming more and more common for Lap Band to be performed as an outpatient surgery, especially if it is performed laproscopically.
on 12/9/11 5:11 am - MO

Well, I am back home.  I have an NG tube to hydrate if needed.  Doc said the band is wide open and there is plenty of room for stuff to flow through.  He has no clue why I am having trouble.  We meet again tuesday to discuss the next step.

Ready For A Change
on 12/9/11 5:16 am - NJ
 One other thought that came to me, did they test you for c-dif? Sometimes it can present with nausea and stomach cramps/vomiting as well as diarrhea. 

Courtney - Lap band to VSG revision

on 12/9/11 6:10 am - MO
I don't think they did, and I am not having nausea or stomach cramps.  I have pressure, like a burp needs to come out, then I try to let the burp fly and everything comes with it, sometimes just liquid sometimes foam.  My husband seems to think it has something to do with my backassward burps.  I don't burp out like most people (you know, trucker burps).  When I burp, they almost seem to go in, not out.  I have always burped like that.  I can force myself to burp the "traditional" way, but I have to swallow a lot of air which is a no-no.  I am doing my best not to even burp, but the pain gets to be after a few and I have to relieve the pressure somehow.   I don't know what to do.  Can I just sleep for the next 4 days?
Ready For A Change
on 12/9/11 6:28 am - NJ
 Gotcha. I know exactly what you mean, that is the way I burp too! What you are explaing sounds to me like the exact sensation that I would get when I was "stuck" or swollen from a stuck episode, so I am keeping my fingers crossed for you that it's just swelling and it will go down in a day or two and you will be better. 

Did you at least get good drugs at the hospital, I probably would have asked for a pain pump to be sent home with me, but I am a bit of a baby :) 

Again, so sorry that you are going though this. 

Courtney - Lap band to VSG revision

on 12/9/11 7:30 am - MO
I got the Michael Jackson Drug and Reglan to prevent post-op nausea.
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