Just starting

on 12/7/11 1:44 pm
You've got to be kidding me!  That kind of dishonesty is a great diservice to the public.  As I am doing reseach on a revision - I am searching out the problems and complications of each type of surgery. I WANT to know: what's the worst that can happen? And then I can decide if I can deal with that. And the people that have reached their goal - I want to know how they got there- the good and the bad. Then I will make a decision if the bad is "worth it"- you know? To blatantly hide all the problems is beyond me... but then again, I am an open book.... probably more so than I should be.
on 12/7/11 2:01 pm - Athens, GA

Yes it is kind of frustrating that there are some that don't want us to know both sides, but it happens.

I have been researching revisions as well. In general, VSG and DS seem the best options, but RNY can ge great as well as long as one changes eating habits. I know some that eat anything and everything and are years out, but others have re-gain. :-(

As for me I would prefer VSG, but RNY would be my 2nd choice.

Good luck with the revision!!!




on 12/7/11 10:05 am - TX
RNY on 01/03/12
 I had the lapband in 2001 and was completely thrilled with it for 7+ years when I started to experience issues.  I am now going to revise to the RNY.  

I chose the band because I felt restriction was all I needed and the procedure was less invasive and reversible.  I was happy with my choice, but everyone's experience is different.  

I think restriction is all I need, but now that I have swallowing issues I must drink when I eat which makes me hungry more frequently.  I think the RNY will benefit me better at this point in my weightloss journey.

My recommendation is to read as many personal stories as possible, research pros and cons of each procedure, then listen to your gut and be truthful about your hangouts (i.e. are you a grazer, etc.) because those emotional issues can impact your failure or success.

Best wishes,
on 12/9/11 8:05 pm - TX
 As the others have said, research, research and research some more.  Glad you are asking here.  :)

ALL WLS's will have their pros and cons, you have to decide which disadvantages you can live with and which ones are a deal breaker.

I've been called a "band cheerleader" before (which I don't think I am.. but whatever) so maybe take what I have to say with a grain of salt.

I was banded 03/09/09.  Wt day of surgery was 383.  2.75 years later I'm hovering around 165.  Lowest I've seen was 161.  Currently I'm working on just maintaining my weight during the holidays.  In the new year I think I may focus on trying to get about 10 more lbs off.  But I'm enjoying maintenance so much.. I may just stay here.  ::grin::

I've not had any major issues with my band.  Got over filled once.. during the spring of 2010.. slight unfill fixed that and have gone on to get even more fluid.  Yes, I could have issues in the future ( a nod to those who predict that no one keeps their band for a long period of time), but even if I should.. as it stands right now, I'm pleased with my results.

The band does not do the work for me, I have to be accountable for what I eat, and I have to exercise.

Best of luck on your decision.
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Reinhold Niebuhr

on 12/10/11 9:24 am
 I have researched. I don't think there is one surgery out there that does not have its problems. I have heard horror stories from almost every single one. I have a great doctor that really wants you to succeed. I have been making a lot of pre surgery changes already. I gave up my pop (which was really hard for me as I am not a coffee drinker. I used to drink 6-10 cans a day and now maybe have had 1 a month for the last 4 months.) I am giving up the bread as I know that will be a big problem with the band. I drink lots of water now just need to give it up during the meals which is my next goal. I have been exercising 4-5 times a week for 30 minutes since starting with this journey. I think I have came a long way already and have another 4 months of change before my surgery, so I hope to be ready for a big change in my life.

I don't want to upset anyone by my next statement- I truely want to know the answer- I was wonder for the ones that the lap band failed them, if you made the changes prior to the surgery or did you just rely on the band to reduce your weight? My doctor office is really striving for me to make these changes prior to surgery.
A H.
on 12/11/11 1:02 pm
Revision on 02/09/12
Hi Boop,
Excellent question. My band didn't have any "mechanical failures" and I was very compliant as far as diet etc. go. I made changes before surgery.  Here's the problem (for me and I know this has happened to many others). With a tight band it is almost impossible to eat meat and veggies which is what you're supposed to eat (basically low carb).  Because you're hungry you end up having to eat "soft" things that go down easy because the pain and vomiting that happens when you get food stuck is not pleasant.  My band tolerated being tight for a while, maybe a year.

Then mysteriously in the last year my band kept getting over-tight. I'd go in for an unfill and have 1 cc taken out. Then a month later same thing happened. I had 4 unfills til the last time I also had nausea and was uncomfortable.  Had a barium swallow and EGD to see that my band slipped 5cm and isn't going to self-correct.  The irony is that I've lost 35 lbs since having my band totally unfilled (about 3 months) because I can FINALLY eat meat and veggies and fruit like I was supposed to all along.

I also have been suffering from severe acid reflux and heartburn the past 3+ years.

My surgeon is excellent, uses great technique which is why I think I haven't had more problems (port flipping, etc).

My story is very common among band people, had there been as much info out in 2007 as there is now, I'd never get the band.

I will be revising to the sleeve soon.  Glad you are doing your research. There are people that the band works for, but they are few and far between.
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