Just starting
Have you looked over the Revisions forum here?
http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/revision/a,messageboard/bo ard_id,5360/
I would highly recommend not choosing the lapband, personally.
If you do decide to proceed with it, be aware of the common problem of referred left shoulder pain. There's a thread today about it... and if you go back through the history, you'll see it repeated over and over, as well.
Also be aware of the fact that it's more than likely that you'll require more than one surgery. Most of us have had to have corrective surgeries.... either due to serious complications or lesser complications. But, it's rare to find a bandster who hasn't had to have at least one "extra" surgery.
Read all the forums before making a final decision would be my advice. Good luck to you.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
on 12/7/11 4:31 am, edited 12/7/11 4:35 am
Please take time to fully research the band and ideally if you can, find a surgeon that has done over 500 lap bands and is dedicated ONLY to BAND patients, but if you can't, and can only find a surgeon that does both RNY, Sleeve and the Band make sure they have excellent aftercare and highly available and is part of the "Center of Excellence". This will greater your chance of a good outcome.
It's OK to know upfront the successes and failures of the band, this way you will go into this with your eyes open Knowing it is a Tool and understand fully the pitfalls of the band, and if your surgeon is highly skilled with a low revision rate your chances will be greater, NO weight loss surgery comes without risk, most people choose the risk that they are able to live with.
Although your surgeon may provide you with documentation, this is a very helpful guide to get you acclimated with how the band works.
Good luck
Link to How the Lap band works
Lol. Well actually probably would recommend it to the X...........but he doesn't need it. :-( lol
~if anyone tells you they have not had any problems, click on “recent posts" under their name and read through all their posts- most likely, you will find that even they have had problems too.~
Good point! I know a lot of the "I love my band" ppl will tell u it's the best thing since cable tv

One thing to consider is that some of them if reminded of these posts (Nana for example)............WILL GO BACK AND DELETE THEM! So those researching are not really getting an accurate account of their band function A.K.A band DYSFUNCTION!