Band removed due to erosion- but no symptoms typical of erosion

P goode
on 12/4/11 5:44 am, edited 12/4/11 5:46 am - Arlington, TX
VSG on 05/11/16

I so understand!  My band slipped before I made it to goal.  I gained most of the 35 pounds back in the first year after I lost restriction.  Thats when my physical hunger returned!  I have actually not done such a bad job of maintaining where I am at.  I am using this post op period to get some of that weight off.  I had lost 10 pounds before surgery because eating anything much had started to make me short of breath which was frightning.  I have stitches in my stomach, so I have been following the post op diet of agastric sleeve conversion anyway... will see how long I can do it!  After a few weeks, its back to the gym at least 5 times weekly, then I will try to do as you have and fill my plate like a bandster.. I hope I have learned!! I am reading books about emotional and stress eating.  I was somewhat skeptical about gsv because its purely restrictive, but I did lose well when my band was functioning, so we will see.  Maybe fear of additional surgery will motivate me!  I have an abcess where he took the port out which has made this week no fun...

Done! Your Ticker:

"Long ago in a galaxy far away"- WT-325. Lap band WT-287. Sleeve WT- 220, SW- 215, CW-144

karen C.
on 12/4/11 7:40 am
You CAN do it. Put all your knowledge to use.  Weigh DAILY!
karen c
liquid diet 5/8/09
lap band 5/22/09
first fill 6/17/09 2cc
removed 10/6/11 due to erosion
on 12/2/11 10:38 pm - Indian Trail, NC
So sorry for the problems you had with your band, I hope things go well and you heal so you can move on with your goals.  I think you did a wonderful job of telling what you had gone through in a way not set out to scare others or try to incite others.  Please keep me posted :)  Wishing you all the best,
...just keep swimming
Swoosh :)
I am a work in progress...perhaps never completed or perfected; but forever working to change for the better...
   August 2012   New Dr.... New Start... Dr. David Voellinger        
(deactivated member)
on 12/2/11 11:55 pm - Califreakinfornia , CA
I lost my band due to a band slip and erosion less then seven months ago.
on 12/3/11 12:53 pm
I am sorry for what you are going through. Thank you for sharing your story. I pray you have a speedy recovery.
Highest 317 6/1 start pre-op diet312 6/15 2 days before surgery303 6/22 5 days post-op296  6/28 11 days post-op  290 7/5 18 days post-op 288 8/19 10 weeks post-op 278 9/10 274 11/6 268 2/18 257 3/26 249 5/14 237
on 12/3/11 2:29 pm - Atlanta, GA
RNY on 12/12/12
Im really happy you posted this. For the past week I have been telling my fiance that I have been feeling a little funny. First let me say that I have not felt any kind of restriction in a about 2 months now. NONE. This past week I have noticed that I have been getting alot of shortness of breath. I walk to the bathroom from the livingroom and im feeling out of breath ( which even being at my heavyness I have never really got short of breath) Then whenever I lay down im noticing that my heart kind of feels like its racing.  I actually told my fiance today that I wanted to go to the doctor on monday because I was getting a little worried I also feel a little nauseous and keep getting dizzy. My loss of restriction has been about 2 months but all these other syptoms just started monday.I havent been feeling any pain where my band would be so I didnt think that it was a possibility. I also thought that if you had a slip or erosion that I would be throwing up alot and having some kind of pain is that now true? Should I go to my family doctor or just head straight to my band doctor? Its really hard to get an appointment with him sometimes its like a 2 month wait. Now im really freaked out.
(deactivated member)
on 12/4/11 1:12 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
On December 3, 2011 at 10:29 PM Pacific Time, AmberF wrote:
Im really happy you posted this. For the past week I have been telling my fiance that I have been feeling a little funny. First let me say that I have not felt any kind of restriction in a about 2 months now. NONE. This past week I have noticed that I have been getting alot of shortness of breath. I walk to the bathroom from the livingroom and im feeling out of breath ( which even being at my heavyness I have never really got short of breath) Then whenever I lay down im noticing that my heart kind of feels like its racing.  I actually told my fiance today that I wanted to go to the doctor on monday because I was getting a little worried I also feel a little nauseous and keep getting dizzy. My loss of restriction has been about 2 months but all these other syptoms just started monday.I havent been feeling any pain where my band would be so I didnt think that it was a possibility. I also thought that if you had a slip or erosion that I would be throwing up alot and having some kind of pain is that now true? Should I go to my family doctor or just head straight to my band doctor? Its really hard to get an appointment with him sometimes its like a 2 month wait. Now im really freaked out.
Can you see your band surgeon at the hospital ER where he placed your band ? That might be the quickest way for you to be seen by your band surgeon.

Click on the link in my siggy too.

P goode
on 12/4/11 6:00 am - Arlington, TX
VSG on 05/11/16
pay atttention and try to notice if the palpitations and tightness in your chest is related to after you have eaten something.  It had a delayed effect at first.. later on I realized I had been dealing with this off and on since at least June.  I had tried eating more fresh fruits and veggies because I was reading a book about emotional hunger and stress eating and I was trying to follow that diet.  I think that just made it worse.  Around Halloween, there was no mistaking it.. I ate 2 chicken salad rolls from Pei Wei at work(they have a soft wrapper and are filled with shreadded carrot, chicken, noodles, and other stuff but not fried) and I started having feelings like i was going to pass out.. It passed in a couple of hours but I was afraid to eat anything from that day on so I went on liquids till I saw the Surgeon.  Now, he wants all of his patients to do a gsv because he has had many have slips and fixed them a couple times and they reoccur.  I am like you... I thought I would have had all those symptoms too if I had a slip.  I think if I had to guess,  the slip happened first, then it was like that for so long it eroded.   I even went to a cardiologist before surgery and he ordered a nuclear stress test just to make sure my heart was ok.  It would skip beats too, occasionally.  He said he felt it was all gi related and cleared me for surgery -said nothing at all wrong with my heart.  I had vertigo too... i thought it was from my sinuses.  No doc could put any of those pieces together.  Just insist on an upper gi sieries.  If it has slipped they can see it... the erosions are harder to see, but there is some reason you have all of a sudden lost your restriction.

Done! Your Ticker:

"Long ago in a galaxy far away"- WT-325. Lap band WT-287. Sleeve WT- 220, SW- 215, CW-144

on 12/4/11 12:32 am - Stockton, CA
Thank you so very much for your post. I am in a very similar position in that I havent stayed in contact with my surgeon nir gave I been doing what  do. Thus, my weight just maintains.
This Friday, I began to have severe nausea, extreme heartburn, coughing and severe vomiting of blood. I went to the emergency room yesterday morning and was given IV saline, chest xrays, and tons of blood work - eveything normal. Was told I have gastroenteritis with GERD. Vomiting has slowed due to naseau medication, but heartburn, coughing and nausea remain. The chest xrays they took showed nothing of concern to the er doctor, only that the band is "there."
Of course, all of this on a weekend!

Does this sound at all familiar to any of you? Of course, t he blood coming up is scaring me horribly.
Thanks for sharing your story and any help anybody can send my way.

(deactivated member)
on 12/4/11 12:42 am
do you have any fluid in your band?   if so - you need a complete unfill, then an upper GI & possibly a sonogram.

very sorry for what your going through, i would get into your surgeon ASAP.  the blood IS scary & concerning.

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