Band removed due to erosion- but no symptoms typical of erosion
I so understand! My band slipped before I made it to goal. I gained most of the 35 pounds back in the first year after I lost restriction. Thats when my physical hunger returned! I have actually not done such a bad job of maintaining where I am at. I am using this post op period to get some of that weight off. I had lost 10 pounds before surgery because eating anything much had started to make me short of breath which was frightning. I have stitches in my stomach, so I have been following the post op diet of agastric sleeve conversion anyway... will see how long I can do it! After a few weeks, its back to the gym at least 5 times weekly, then I will try to do as you have and fill my plate like a bandster.. I hope I have learned!! I am reading books about emotional and stress eating. I was somewhat skeptical about gsv because its purely restrictive, but I did lose well when my band was functioning, so we will see. Maybe fear of additional surgery will motivate me! I have an abcess where he took the port out which has made this week no fun...
...just keep swimming
Swoosh :)
on 12/2/11 11:55 pm - Califreakinfornia , CA

on 12/4/11 1:12 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
Click on the link in my siggy too.
This Friday, I began to have severe nausea, extreme heartburn, coughing and severe vomiting of blood. I went to the emergency room yesterday morning and was given IV saline, chest xrays, and tons of blood work - eveything normal. Was told I have gastroenteritis with GERD. Vomiting has slowed due to naseau medication, but heartburn, coughing and nausea remain. The chest xrays they took showed nothing of concern to the er doctor, only that the band is "there."
Of course, all of this on a weekend!
Does this sound at all familiar to any of you? Of course, t he blood coming up is scaring me horribly.
Thanks for sharing your story and any help anybody can send my way.