Band removed due to erosion- but no symptoms typical of erosion
I want to tell you all my story. I do not want to scare anyone, but at the same time, this needs to be told. My lap band slipped and eroded all the way through at some point, and I did not have reflux, vomiting, nausea, or pain, or infection, only loss of restriction. The symptoms I eventually had were mild shortness of breath after meals, and palpitations. They continued to get worse and my internist sent me back to my surgeon who I had not seen in nearly 2 years( because I had put on 35 pounds). I maintained that weight for a year but still.... the last time I had seen him in 12/09 I told him that fills weren't working anymore and I had no restriction,but he did not do an upper gi because we had done one after I had been pregnant and it was unremarkable about 18 months prior to that and since I did not have the other symptoms of a slip/erosion. I had surgery Monday and he was going to convert to GSV but the damage was too bad. Now I have to heal for another 4-6 months before we can consider anything... I just want everyone to know it is possible for this to happen....
I am glad they have ( eventually!) sorted it out for you and wish you all the best for whatever you choose to do next.
Thank you for sharing your story.
Highest 290, Banded - 248 Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.
Happily banded since May 2006. Regain of 28lbs 2013-14. ALL GONE!
But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,
on 12/2/11 4:03 am
Thanks for posting. So many ppl on here think they are immune to all the band complications that occur.
I have seen so many posters on this Lap-Band forum that constantly defend the band and some go so far as to blame the bandsters when there is a problem with the BAND. Then when THEY start having band issues...........they go to the revision forum and won't post on the band forum anymore. Or sometimes they stay on the band forum but change their screen names b/c they think you won't know who they are. They do other bandsters or prospective bandsters such a disservice by doing that, b/c they are causing a false sense of security of how safe and effective the band really is. :-(
I appreciate you honesty in coming to the band forum letting others know what can happen with the band! Even after making it to that 5 year mark with the band..........things can still go wrong.
Best of luck to you!
When they told me I had a slip about 2 weeks ago, they took some more fluid out of the band. I have 3.3 cc's, I think. Anyway, I have been very constipated. I had to really strain to have a bm, and there was some blood in it. I feel some soreness around the port area from all the straining as well. I almost feel as if my stomach is swelling, but maybe it is in my head?
I plan on going ahead and getting the band out eventually, thanks for the advice of someone who has "been there and done that." She told me complications that could result in an ER trip are almost inevitable.
Let me know, P, if any of this sounds familiar. Best wishes to you. I wish you well.
on 12/2/11 8:42 pm
My heart goes out to you. It is so devastating. For about a month after my band came out I had depression and anxiety attacks. It really is a grieving process. At first I was so angry because I had followed all the bandster rules and felt I didn't deserve to have this happen to me. Then I went through a period where I obsessed about every bite of food I put in my mouth to the point of panic.
I feel better about it now. I have maintained my weight (I'm on the scale everyday!) by continuing to eat as I did when I had the band but adding a lot of vegetables. Surprisingly, I haven't been that hungry. I also exercise a lot. I have been seeing a therapist to try to address the issues surrounding my eating. I still don't have much confidence that I can maintain in the long run.
I loved my band and it worked well for me, but I can't help thinking that if I had gotten the sleeve, it couldn't have been taken away from me.
If you are able to get a revision, think very carefully about which surgery you have. Did restriction alone work well for you? Do you think some degree of malabsorption would help?
Good luck. Again, my heart goes out to you.