Re-post: Report complications/failures directly to the FDA!!!

on 12/2/11 7:44 am - Athens, GA
On December 2, 2011 at 2:41 PM Pacific Time, docd wrote:
I said I didn't have a problem with people having that information.

10% is ridiculous assumption.

And (you say this a lot, but it isn't true) you cannot guarantee me or anyone that we will dislike our band in a few years.

I don't deny issues with the band, nor do I say that you and the others shouldn't air your grievances about your issues with the band. Nor am I saying that somehow I am exempt from long term issues with my band.

I'm saying that to say that all bands go bad or that even 10% of surgeons are shysters is hyperbole born in your hatred of YOUR band.

nothing else.

Carry on with your rid-the-world-of-bands mission, but don't be so surprised when someone actually calls you on inaccurate statements.

Tell me this miss know it all. HOw may bandsters do you see on here 5 yrs. out??? Now how many of them have NOT had to have a 2nd band surgery??? Oh and lets not even bring into this that **** about "all the bandsters are happy, successfull, skinny and don't have time to post on here anymore". TELL ME HOW MANY BANDSTERS YOU KNOW PERSONALLY THAT HAVE A BAND AT 5 YEARS OUT?!?!?! Get the picture? No. Of course you don't! But if you are too dense to see it, then don't try to interfere with reasonable bandsters that WANT info like this!

BUT DON'T BE SURPRISED WHEN YOU ARE 2 OR 3 YEARS OUT WITH NO RESTRICTION OR SLIP/LEAK/EROSION! And I'm sure when that happens you will be the first one to try to FIND threads like this which you just blew off!


(deactivated member)
on 12/3/11 1:17 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
On December 2, 2011 at 2:41 PM Pacific Time, docd wrote:
I said I didn't have a problem with people having that information.

10% is ridiculous assumption.

And (you say this a lot, but it isn't true) you cannot guarantee me or anyone that we will dislike our band in a few years.

I don't deny issues with the band, nor do I say that you and the others shouldn't air your grievances about your issues with the band. Nor am I saying that somehow I am exempt from long term issues with my band.

I'm saying that to say that all bands go bad or that even 10% of surgeons are shysters is hyperbole born in your hatred of YOUR band.

nothing else.

Carry on with your rid-the-world-of-bands mission, but don't be so surprised when someone actually calls you on inaccurate statements.
I've been meaning to ask you this for quite some time now.....Would you mind telling me what your user name means and  are you a licensed medical professional ?
on 12/2/11 7:58 am - AZ
"Future's so bright, I gotta wear shades!"
highest weight : 428   Banded 11/3/2011 surgery weight : 386
on 12/2/11 8:07 am - Athens, GA

Lol. Yeah look me up 5 years from now and let's see how inaccurate you think my band info is then, lol.

I wish u luck with your band.......b/c with the Lap-Band often that is all it comes down to..LUCK!


Lori S.
on 12/2/11 10:20 am - MI
 I'm not 5 yrs out- yet, but I am over 4 yrs out.  I'm not delusional enough to think that I will never have any problems.  But so far I haven't had any.  I see my surgeon about 2-3 times a year to help ensure that I don't have any problems.  If the time comes that I do have some problems I am sure you or someone like you will be around posting stuff just like this.  I am not suggesting that this post is not a worthy post, however, you should  NEVER assume that EVERYONE will have issues or failures with there bands.  I am sorry that your having issues but not everyone does or will. 


on 12/2/11 11:17 am - Athens, GA

Well I do assune that *most* will long term. And that is just going by my observations. I'm sure you know how rare it is to see anyone 5 years out............let along 5 years out w/o complications.

And then again there is the other issue. Thousands of ppl are STUCK with failed bands! We have them in. But they don't work. And we are not able to have them removed! So even if someone does make it 5 years with a band..........doesn't even mean they would have ever gotten any benefit from it! :-(


Jo 1962
on 12/2/11 11:28 am, edited 12/1/11 11:30 pm - NearHouston, TX
On December 2, 2011 at 7:17 PM Pacific Time, MARIA F. wrote:
Well I do assune that *most* will long term. And that is just going by my observations. I'm sure you know how rare it is to see anyone 5 years out............let along 5 years out w/o complications.

And then again there is the other issue. Thousands of ppl are STUCK with failed bands! We have them in. But they don't work. And we are not able to have them removed! So even if someone does make it 5 years with a band..........doesn't even mean they would have ever gotten any benefit from it! :-(

Maria, I've told you many times before how much I respect your right to post here even though I don't agree with some things you say. PLEASE consider the fact that "your observations" are
through the eyes of 1 person on a few boards (I'm assuming this isnt your only WLS outlet). You so easily dismiss the thousands out there that you have no way of observing.

Banders 5 yrs out w/o complications are NOT rare..and for you to say that, based on your observations, is baffling to me that you can't see we here on OH are just a fraction of the people banded out there. I seriously do not understand why you don't get this, unless it just doesnt agree with your facts so its ignored.

Keep fighting the good fight, Maria..but please can you be objective enough to hear what caring poeple are trying to say to you? You totally dismissed Docd's comments. I wish you wouldn't.
Thanks for listening. Not trying to diss, dismiss nor shut you up, girl. We're all on the same journey...just at different points along the way.

5.0 cc in a 10cc lapband  (four  fills) 1 unfill of .5cc  on 5/24/2011.
.5 fill  March 2012. unfill of .25cc May 2012.  Unfill of .5cc June 2014.

Still with my lapband with no plans for revision. Band working well since

last small unfill.

HW: 267lbs- size 22-24  LW:194lbs  CW:198lbs  Size 14-16



on 12/2/11 3:49 pm - Athens, GA
~Banders 5 yrs out w/o complications are NOT rare..and for you to say that, based on your observations, is baffling to me that you can't see we here on OH are just a fraction of the people banded out there.  I seriously do not understand why you don't get this, unless it just doesnt agree with your facts so its ignored. ~

Jolena I know a lot of bandsters. And I know some that are doing very well with their bands. But then again............they are not that far out. I'm on a few forums, FB, and very active in the WLS community as well. Yes of course I know just a fraction of the WLS'ers, but why would it be that almost all the ones I know............don't make it with their bands long term? I mean wouldn't that be rather strange that % wise I don't meet any long term successful bandsters? Let's say I meet just 1% of the WLS'ers out there. That would account for 99% that I don't meet. I would think that the % of bandsters I do meet would be consistant with the % I don't meet as far as success or failure with thier bands, don't you think?

And Jolena it's NOT just my observation.Why do you think many bariatric surgeons are now no longer doing the band? It's a very simple procedure. Lot of money for such small amount of time. What is your theory as to why many are no longer doing the band??? It's certainly no b/c I think it's an ineffective WLS!

But yet again............we're on different sides. I really feel that in a few years with your band you will come to realize just how high the complication rate is. But anyway.........we can just agree to disagree. ;-)


on 12/2/11 7:54 pm - MA

I appreciate your opinion- but it is completely based on your personla experience and the experiences of people you have known or read about- In research it is labeled "anecdotal"- it is not fact- It is marred by bias and the true fact that most boards long term get visited by unhappy people-

Here is a real long term study based on science

Please refrain from generalities- it is like saying

"noone who lives in a trailer park goes to college"


on 12/3/11 12:51 am - Athens, GA

~It is marred by bias and the true fact that most boards long term get visited by unhappy people~

Most Lap-Band boards get visited by unhappy people.............BECAUSE THEY ARE UNHAPPY WITH THEIR LAP-BAND!

So why don't you tell me why the Lap-Band boards don't get visited by very many HAPPY bandsters you moron?!


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