An oldie but a goodie
(deactivated member)
on 12/1/11 11:35 pm - Califreakinfornia , CA
on 12/1/11 11:35 pm - Califreakinfornia , CA
On December 1, 2011 at 7:33 PM Pacific Time, Bette B. wrote:
Okay, here's a blast from the past for YOU!

On December 2, 2011 at 1:02 PM Pacific Time, N. M. wrote:
She's the dork who told me that I was 'doing everything wrong,' when I said that the left shoulder pain would NOT go away. She said that it was 'just gas' and that I should 'follow the rules.' Reminds me of some other dillholes I've come across.Don't you hate it when those morons want to blame US for everything the band causes?! And you just KNOW she either doesn't have a band anymore or has band problems. Why else would she quit posting and delete her band website about it telling everyone else how wrong they are and how they caused the problem.
One thing I can say though is at least she wasn't a newbie. Can't stand for some dumbass that has had the band all of a few months and knows NOTHING about the band life to tell ME I don't know what I'm talking about concerning the band! Those ppl are in for a rude awakening when THEIR band craps out on them! lol.
On December 1, 2011 at 8:36 PM Pacific Time, Hislady wrote:
I remember Sandy! She lived across the big river from me and thought we should get together. I was always busy darn it. heehee I decided she was a little off center for me to hang with!Well aren't u the unsociable one! lol
Now give Sandy a call and find out what's up with her band. :-) Also give her Nana's contact info. They could b BFF's. ;-)