just a thought..........since the band isnt working
On November 27, 2011 at 10:05 AM Pacific Time, redbabe08 wrote:
oh maria, i was being extremely sarcastic. mocking the one who constantly says that those with a sleeve have to spend a fortune on vitamins & labs. take 2 guesses 
Lol, I completely missed that one! Has she been crawling out from under her rock to post again? And how many screen names does the new one make???
I know personally I would rather spend an extra $10 a month of vitamins that spend the $17,000 (by HER account) that she wasted of fills! Lol. But then again...........I'm not "blessed" with "Nananomics". ;-)
My dear, I don't see any smart ass comments just good advice from people that care. Since we don't know people personally one gives advice and it is up to us to take from it what applies to us and disregard the rest.
I think a unfill is in order for you...you might get tighter over time....... in my case my band was a little tight and my surgeon said that over time because my stomach had to work harder to get food through the stoma the muscle walls of the stomach got thicker which in turn made me tighter over time.....the barium wouldn't even got through.
I am unfilled some right now and have no restriction and are struggling with my eating....even though I know that just because I can eat everything doesn't mean I should but I do anyway........I am hoping in two months when I go back I can have a some put back in and will once again have restriction (although not too much this time).
I would have rather had some taken out because I wanted to, rather than have my doc make the decision to remove so much of it.
Please keep us posted what you are going through is no way to live.....and we all care.
I think a unfill is in order for you...you might get tighter over time....... in my case my band was a little tight and my surgeon said that over time because my stomach had to work harder to get food through the stoma the muscle walls of the stomach got thicker which in turn made me tighter over time.....the barium wouldn't even got through.
I am unfilled some right now and have no restriction and are struggling with my eating....even though I know that just because I can eat everything doesn't mean I should but I do anyway........I am hoping in two months when I go back I can have a some put back in and will once again have restriction (although not too much this time).
I would have rather had some taken out because I wanted to, rather than have my doc make the decision to remove so much of it.
Please keep us posted what you are going through is no way to live.....and we all care.
That's good that you are going to get a unfill, even a small one should make a difference, the best thing about the band is that we can fill and unfill. My Surgeons office has certain days for fills also, plus I am a hour and fifteen minutes away.....
Keep us posted on how you make out on Thursday.......good luck!!!
Keep us posted on how you make out on Thursday.......good luck!!!
In defense of goingcrazy..yes, her band is too tight. Yes, she knows it is too tight. Should she have kept her band at that setting? No. However I have seen numerous ppl on OH (and offline as well) that keep their band at an unacceptable lever b/c that is the only way they lose weight or maintain. It is very sad thay they feel that is their only option since their band has not worked as it has been advertised to work!
Keeping a band too tight is NOT a good option! It is advertised that it can cause many complications. However obesity can cause many complications as well. I think in these instances, that bandsters kind of weigh the risks and decide which is more of a concern for them at the time. And since they have had WLS to lose weight.......they often opt to keep their band tight to prevent nore weight gain since they are NOT able to do it in a healthy fashion by keeping the band at a level that the band manufacturers advertise that will be their "sweet spot"/restriction/"green zone".
Is it right? No. Should they be doing it? No. BUT DO NOT JUDGE THESE PPL! They are desperate and their band has not worked as advertised and they are grasping at straws. I myself have been very tempted to keep my band too tight since it is the only way it ever assisted me with any weight loss! We put all out hopes and dreams (and in some cases MONEY!) into getting our bands assuming that they will work for us as is advertised by Allergan and Johnson& Johnson (EES). Well ppl that is often NOT the case! So lets try to have some compassion and understanding of these ppl that may not be making a wise choice in keeping it too tight, but have done so out of desperation after their band has failed and they feel this is their only avenue to lose or maintain with their failed bands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maria, i am not lacking compassion! But I truly fail to see how telling the OP everything is sunny and suggesting Weigh****chers is going to help! She needs professional help and I make no apology for saying that and if that shows a lack of compassion, so be it.
You like telling what you see as the truth even if it hurts. I am usually more concilatory! This time I was blunt!
Highest 290, Banded - 248 Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.
Happily banded since May 2006. Regain of 28lbs 2013-14. ALL GONE!
But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,
Kate the lack of compassion part was not specifically directed at you, more so of a general comment based of so many responses I've seen on the band forum to similar responses.
And though we usually don't agree on here, I will be the first to say you are usually one of the most supportive and caring of all the band cheerleaders.