Is it wrong to want to forget your past or leave it where it was?
This post speaks volumes about the difference in the quality of life from a diffucult band to a seamless sleeve experience.
Copy and paste this post whenever you feel the urge to help someone make a decision. I do understand the need to leave a bad experience behind. I avoided the band board for years. Now I want to support folks who may not be getting the support they need with a bad band.
Ironically, I rarely post on the sleeve board because I don't have any issues. Once the healing is done, there is very little support needed. I feel I can give support best by helping people with band issues and helping people decide between band and sleeve.
I am very happy for you and I know exactly where you are comeing from. It is amazing how once you start feeling good, you don't even want to thnk about the pain and frustration a band can cause.
This post speaks volumes about the difference in the quality of life from a diffucult band to a seamless sleeve experience.
Copy and paste this post whenever you feel the urge to help someone make a decision. I do understand the need to leave a bad experience behind. I avoided the band board for years. Now I want to support folks who may not be getting the support they need with a bad band.
Ironically, I rarely post on the sleeve board because I don't have any issues. Once the healing is done, there is very little support needed. I feel I can give support best by helping people with band issues and helping people decide between band and sleeve.
I am very happy for you and I know exactly where you are comeing from. It is amazing how once you start feeling good, you don't even want to thnk about the pain and frustration a band can cause.
"Me agreeing with you doesn't preclude you from being a deviant."