Lap band surgery
I am new to this site and have a few questions??
Has anyone had the nissen procedure performed with their Lap band surgery? If so how much pain did you have and did you have to stay in the hospital longer because of the nissen? Also how long were you off work?
I am scheduled for my lap band on 12/2 and only took 2 days off of work, but now I am told I will also have the nissen surgery too. I have a office job, how long should I realistically take off? I have not told my boss about either surgery.
Thank you
I am new to this site and have a few questions??
Has anyone had the nissen procedure performed with their Lap band surgery? If so how much pain did you have and did you have to stay in the hospital longer because of the nissen? Also how long were you off work?
I am scheduled for my lap band on 12/2 and only took 2 days off of work, but now I am told I will also have the nissen surgery too. I have a office job, how long should I realistically take off? I have not told my boss about either surgery.
Thank you
I have no idea what the Nissen procedure is, but after just a band op, going back to work after two days may or may not be OK. I had a very fast and smooth recovery and could have gone back to a desk job - although I would probably have fallen asleep. Some people have a much harder time and coud not go to work for a week! Many need really strong painkillers for several days and a lack of food makes you feel weak.
Also, general advice in the UK is not to drive yourself for 48 hours after a general anaesthetic. Even if you feel OK, if you had an accident, you might find you were not covered by your insurance.
Also, general advice in the UK is not to drive yourself for 48 hours after a general anaesthetic. Even if you feel OK, if you had an accident, you might find you were not covered by your insurance.
Highest 290, Banded - 248 Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.
Happily banded since May 2006. Regain of 28lbs 2013-14. ALL GONE!
But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,
I've also never heard of the Nissen proceedure but like Kate I had a very easy recovery. I PROBABLY could have gone back to my desk job after 3 days, but definately not 2. I took a week because I had the time to take. The thing you have to be prepared for is that you will probably feel o.k. right afterwards but after a few days, when you start moving around more you will be TIRED! While Laproscopic surgery is a pretty easy recovery, it's still major surgery.
Take care!
Lisa O.
Take care!
Lisa O.
at least a week
I could hardly sip water for three days.
When i went back after a week (family doctor, fairly active with minimal lifting), I did a half day and was exhausted from so few calories I guess.
And I didn't have the nissen (for reflux and hiatal hernia for those that are wondering). You'll have to trust your doctor for advise.
I could hardly sip water for three days.
When i went back after a week (family doctor, fairly active with minimal lifting), I did a half day and was exhausted from so few calories I guess.
And I didn't have the nissen (for reflux and hiatal hernia for those that are wondering). You'll have to trust your doctor for advise.
I found a video about the Nissen procedure. Maybe you've already seen it, but if not, it's interesting to watch.
And the music is very tasteful.
And the music is very tasteful.

Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
I had the laproscopic lapband procedure with a hernia repair. I could have gone back to a desk job in about a week, but do be prepared for the energy plunge after a few days because of the drop in calories. Made me feel lousy briefly, and my doc said it was probably ketosis, and to up my protein. That helped. Good Luck!
I'm new here also and I just saw your post. I actually changed my mind about having Surgery. I decided to take Rocalabs Mini Bypass No Surgery Formula. I seriously started feeling the effect as soon as I drank it. The feeling I had was of being so full but not the so full feeling that I wanted to go sleep.
Have you tried the Rocalabs Formula at all or heard of it? My thinking is that you wouldn't have to ask your boss for time off work or worry about all the post OP follow up appointments.
Anyways, you are a lot stronger than me to go through the surgery. I've had 2 surgeries when I was younger and I just can't do it again. I findly found an alternative that is so far better than any diet plans I've failed at. If you like you can google Rocalabs and find it at to see what I'm referring to okay.
Take care.
I'm new here also and I just saw your post. I actually changed my mind about having Surgery. I decided to take Rocalabs Mini Bypass No Surgery Formula. I seriously started feeling the effect as soon as I drank it. The feeling I had was of being so full but not the so full feeling that I wanted to go sleep.
Have you tried the Rocalabs Formula at all or heard of it? My thinking is that you wouldn't have to ask your boss for time off work or worry about all the post OP follow up appointments.
Anyways, you are a lot stronger than me to go through the surgery. I've had 2 surgeries when I was younger and I just can't do it again. I findly found an alternative that is so far better than any diet plans I've failed at. If you like you can google Rocalabs and find it at to see what I'm referring to okay.
Take care.
VSG on 07/10/12
I had a hiatal hernia repaired during my band surgery and it didn't cause any longer hospital stay or recovery. My port is positioned close to my skin due to the location of the fat in my abdomen, so I had a lot of pain at the port site, and was glad to have about 5 weeks off from work. My surgery was close to Christmas, so I took one week of personal vacation time, three weeks of short term disability and one week of plant shut down, and I couldn't imagine going back to work any sooner than that!
You will need a lot more than two days to feel normal again. That's a pretty quick turn around, and most likely your incision sites will still be somewhat painful. Heavy drugs won't mix well with work!
Good luck!
You will need a lot more than two days to feel normal again. That's a pretty quick turn around, and most likely your incision sites will still be somewhat painful. Heavy drugs won't mix well with work!
Good luck!
Thank you everyone for all the great information. It is very helpful, and I have now taken 2 weeks off from work, so all is good! I can't wait until 12/2, I really want this over so I can start losing this weight. I hope the biggest portion is for the last time! I have lost, and regained so many time, it's like I have been given a second chance at life, and I am so excited!