So..........what forum am I suppose to post on???
The recent thread by yet ANOTHER MORON that wants to tell those of us that have failed bands NOT to post on OUR WLS forum leads me to ask for suggestions. Apparently I was under the mistaken opinion that those with a Lap-Band should post on the Lap-Band forum. Not the case?

On November 19, 2011 at 8:05 AM Pacific Time, redbabe08 wrote:
any damn one you want.there are several off set groups here & on facebook, maybe those who are unhappy reading **** that scares them - if they ask nice, maybe they'll get an invite to one.
There are many outlets for ALL of us to post on. (As there should be). I just get annoyed by ppl that come on here and tell some of us what we can and can't post............and some that go so far as to even tell us we can NOT post on here! And coming from a regular it's irritating. But comming from someone that doesn't even post on here but a few times a year it is outrageous.
Ok that's it. I'm through *****ing for the moment, lol. are you loving that revision? :-)
What I can never fathom is the NEED people seem to have for dishonesty. They don't want to hear honest truth. And I guess I understand not wanting to believe anything bad can happen, but dammit, it DOES. And NOT knowing about it doesn't make the pain less painful. It is much harder down the line to be ignorant and clueless than it is to hear the truth NOW.
I guess I had it drilled into me my whole life that you TELL THE TRUTH, even if people don't LIKE hearing it. I try to do it in a way that is kind, but that doesn't seem to be accepted well. Most mature, intelligent, thoughtful people WANT the truth... even if it's not full of rainbows and unicorn poop.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
N.M., I don't want to be involved in these kind of posts (who is bad or good or intelligent or stupid because they like or don't like the band), as I still think I made-for myself- a fairly good decision, but I do read your posts with great interest. It is good to know and to be aware of what could happen and if it happens- God forbid- I knew I could come to you and ask for advise.
I see many happy bandsters who are posting quite aggressively against "band-bashers", and I have also seen unhappy bandsters posting aggressively. You had obviously the worst experience one could have and your posts are not aggressive at all. On the contrary- you are understanding and you share your experience in a very constructive way. Even though I wi**** would have never happened to you, I am grateful for all your posts as you are- like Kate or Lisa- one of the most supportive and sensitive people on this forum- thank you for keeping us posted and sharing your experience.
I see many happy bandsters who are posting quite aggressively against "band-bashers", and I have also seen unhappy bandsters posting aggressively. You had obviously the worst experience one could have and your posts are not aggressive at all. On the contrary- you are understanding and you share your experience in a very constructive way. Even though I wi**** would have never happened to you, I am grateful for all your posts as you are- like Kate or Lisa- one of the most supportive and sensitive people on this forum- thank you for keeping us posted and sharing your experience.
Evelyn, I appreciate this very much. I really hate to see anyone experience any pain. I did have a horrible experience with banding and I realize that not everyone is going to have the same experience, thankfully. But I was a journalism minor in college and any kind of censorship just gets under my skin horribly. That's when I get angry and my less 'nice' side comes rearing to the surface. My mom always told me that I was such a "sweet girl" until I wasn't. 
I hate getting that way! It makes me feel like poop. But so does someone telling others they don't have a right to express themselves. So, thank you from the bottom of my heart, for seeing that I'm truly trying to help, not hurt. I wish you the best, Evelyn.

I hate getting that way! It makes me feel like poop. But so does someone telling others they don't have a right to express themselves. So, thank you from the bottom of my heart, for seeing that I'm truly trying to help, not hurt. I wish you the best, Evelyn.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
On November 19, 2011 at 9:36 AM Pacific Time, N. M. wrote:
What I can never fathom is the NEED people seem to have for dishonesty. They don't want to hear honest truth. And I guess I understand not wanting to believe anything bad can happen, but dammit, it DOES. And NOT knowing about it doesn't make the pain less painful. It is much harder down the line to be ignorant and clueless than it is to hear the truth NOW.
I guess I had it drilled into me my whole life that you TELL THE TRUTH, even if people don't LIKE hearing it. I try to do it in a way that is kind, but that doesn't seem to be accepted well. Most mature, intelligent, thoughtful people WANT the truth... even if it's not full of rainbows and unicorn poop.
~Most mature, intelligent, thoughtful people WANT the truth!~
True. But there are some (miss.pug) on here that are obviously NOT that intelligent.
Revision on 08/21/12
Maria, You should be on this forum. You have many good and helpful things to say about this journey. I have seen you be very helpful to people who are struggling. Also, A new person needs to hear about the bad as well as the good with this surgery. Unfortunately I have seen very little of that type of thing posted about the other wls types. Before anyone says that is because it is only the band that has problems, let me say that I have heard many stories of failures from all of the 4 main types of wls. I also dislike those who say that the band almost always fails. OK, now that the sermon is out of me........
I understand where some wish you and others that dislike the band would not post. I was one for a time, though I didn't say much. I did stand up to some who were posting all negative statistics. I have felt that it was important that I, as a newbie, was served well by being forced to do more research and consider the potential complications before I made my decision. I went into surgery with eyes wide open and fully aware that there were risks associated. My expectations were actually rather low and, for me, I have found that the band has allowed me to exceed those expectations. I love my band (mostly) but am still aware that things could go wrong. We all need a healthy dose of reality.
We can argue another day
I understand where some wish you and others that dislike the band would not post. I was one for a time, though I didn't say much. I did stand up to some who were posting all negative statistics. I have felt that it was important that I, as a newbie, was served well by being forced to do more research and consider the potential complications before I made my decision. I went into surgery with eyes wide open and fully aware that there were risks associated. My expectations were actually rather low and, for me, I have found that the band has allowed me to exceed those expectations. I love my band (mostly) but am still aware that things could go wrong. We all need a healthy dose of reality.
We can argue another day

On November 19, 2011 at 10:29 AM Pacific Time, grannymedic1 wrote:
Maria, You should be on this forum. You have many good and helpful things to say about this journey. I have seen you be very helpful to people who are struggling. Also, A new person needs to hear about the bad as well as the good with this surgery. Unfortunately I have seen very little of that type of thing posted about the other wls types. Before anyone says that is because it is only the band that has problems, let me say that I have heard many stories of failures from all of the 4 main types of wls. I also dislike those who say that the band almost always fails. OK, now that the sermon is out of me........I understand where some wish you and others that dislike the band would not post. I was one for a time, though I didn't say much. I did stand up to some who were posting all negative statistics. I have felt that it was important that I, as a newbie, was served well by being forced to do more research and consider the potential complications before I made my decision. I went into surgery with eyes wide open and fully aware that there were risks associated. My expectations were actually rather low and, for me, I have found that the band has allowed me to exceed those expectations. I love my band (mostly) but am still aware that things could go wrong. We all need a healthy dose of reality.
We can argue another day

~ I also dislike those who say that the band almost always fails.~
Guilty as charged

We disagree on the band, but I stil think you are an awesome Band Granny!

Maria, I'm sorry you are still dealing with this. I guess as long as there's new people coming aboard everyday, there's going to be a moron or two in the bunch.
5.0 cc in a 10cc lapband (four fills) 1 unfill of .5cc on 5/24/2011.
.5 fill March 2012. unfill of .25cc May 2012. Unfill of .5cc June 2014.
Still with my lapband with no plans for revision. Band working well since
last small unfill.
HW: 267lbs- size 22-24 LW:194lbs CW:198lbs Size 14-16